Three New Species of Genus Myospila (diptera∶muscidae) from Sichuan, China

Feng Yan
Abstract:Three new species, i. e. Myospila kandingica sp. nov., Myospila frigora sp. nov. and Myospila frigoroida sp. nov. belonging to Myospila Rondani, 1856 are described and figured in the present paper. The type specimens are kept in Institute of Plant Physiology Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China. 1. Myospila Kangdingica sp. nov. (Fig. 1). ♂: Body length 7.0~8.0mm. This new species is similar to Myospila angustifrons Malloch, 1922, however, the eyes sparsely covered with long hairs, that for the latter densely covered with ones; parafacialia as width as 3rd antennal segment, however, that for the latter about one-third time of the width of one; fore tibia without pv seta, however, that for the latter with it; surstyli in male new moon-alike in profile in lateral view, however, that for the latter straight; posterior half part of both of piece of cerci separately, that for the latter is fused in posterior view. ♀: Unknown. Holotype ♂, Kangding (Mt. Paomashan, 2900 m; 30°07′N, 101°58′E), Sichuan Prov., 18 Aug. 1983, collected by FENG Yan. Paratypes: 4♂♂, same as holotype; 1♂, Mt. Erlangshan (Ganhaizi, 2780 m; 29°54′N, 102°09′E ), Sichuan Prov., 24 Jun, 1982, same collector as holotype. Etymology : The new species is named after the type species collecting from the Kangding, Sichuan Prov. 2. Myospila frigora sp. nov. (Fig. 2).♂:Body length 6.5 mm. This new species is similar to Myospila flavilauta Xue et Li, 1996, however, the 3rd and 4th tergites without lateral spot, that for the latter with one; frontal bristles is 10, that for the latter is 5~6; 5th sternite arm 0.5 time as long as basal part, that for the latter as long as one; surstyli in male as long as cerci, that for the latter longer than the cerci obviously. ♀: Unknown. Holotype ♂, Yaan (Mt. Laobanshan, 800 m; 29°59′N, 102°57′E), Sichuan Prov., 03 Nov. 1987, collected by FENG Yan. Etymology: The new species is named after the type species collecting from a cold weather. 3. Myospila frigoroida sp. nov. (Fig. 3).♂: Body length 5.5 mm. This new species is similar to Myospila frigora sp. nov., however, the frontal bristles is 4, that for the latter is 10; posterior intraalar bristles is 2, that for the latter is 1; 6th tergite with posterior marginal bristles, that for the latter without it; both of antennal segment of basal part dark-yellow, that for the latter bright black; outline in overall of 5th sternite is rectangle, that for the latter is cone alike in ventral view; surstyli in male not go into hiding at the back of cerci, and longer than cerci in posterior view, that for the latter is go into hiding at the back of one, and shorter than the cerci. ♀: Unknown. Holotype ♂, Yaan (Mt. Laobanshan, 800 m; 29°59′N, 102°57′E), Sichuan Prov. 20 Nov. 1992, collected by FENG Yan.
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