Search for Very High Energy Gamma Rays from the Northern $\textit{Fermi}$ Bubble Region with HAWC

Anushka Udara Abeysekara,A. Albert,Ruben Alfaro,C. Alvarez,Jdr Alvarez,R. Arceo,J. C. Arteaga-Velázquez,H. A. Ayala Solares,A. S. Barber,N. Bautista-Elivar,A. Becerril,Ernesto Belmont-Moreno,S. Y. BenZvi,D. Berley,James E. Braun,Chad Brisbois,Karen S. Caballero-Mora,Tomás Capistrán,A. Carraminana,Sabrina Casanova,M. Castillo,Umberto Cotti,Jorge Cotzomi,S. Coutiño de León,C. De León,E. De la Fuente,R. Diaz Hernandez,Brenda Dingus,Michael DuVernois,Juan Carlos Diaz-Velez,R. W. Ellsworth,Kristi Engel,Brian Fick,D. W. Fiorino,Henrike Fleischhack,Nissim Illich Fraija,Jose Andres Garcia-Gonzalez,Fernando Garfias,M. Gerhardt,A. González Muñoz,M. J. Martínez González,J. A. Goodman,Z. Hampel-Arias,J. P. Harding,S. Hernandez,A. Hernandez-Almada,Jim Hinton,Binita Hona,C. M. Hui,Petra Hüntemeyer,Arturo Iriarte,Armelle Jardin-Blicq,V. Joshi,Sarah Kaufmann,David Kieda,Alejandro Lara,R. J. Lauer,William H. Lee,Dirk Lennarz,H. León Vargas,J. T. Linnemann,Anna Lia Longinotti,G. Luis Raya,R. Luna-Garcia,R. López-Coto,Kelly Malone,S. S. Marinelli,O. Martinez,I. Martinez-Castellanos,Jesús Martínez-Castro,H. Martínez-Huerta,J. A. Matthews,Pedro Miranda-Romagnoli,E. Moreno,Miguel Mostafa,L. Nellen,Michael Newbold,M. U. Nisa,R. Noriega-Papaqui,R. Pelayo,J. Pretz,E. G. Pérez-Pérez,Z. Ren,C. D. Rho,Colas Rivière,Daniel Rosa-Gonzalez,M. J. F. Rosenberg,Edna Ruiz-Velasco,Humberto Ibarguen Salazar,F. Salesa Greus,A. Sandoval,M. Schneider,Harm Schoorlemmer,Gus Sinnis,A. J. S. Smith,R. W. Springer,Pooja Surajbali,I. Taboada,O. Tibolla,K. Tollefson
Abstract:We present a search of very high energy gamma-ray emission from the Northern $\textit{Fermi}$ Bubble region using data collected with the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) gamma-ray observatory. The size of the data set is 290 days. No significant excess is observed in the Northern $\textit{Fermi}$ Bubble region, hence upper limits above $1\,\text{TeV}$ are calculated. The upper limits are between $3\times 10^{-7}\,\text{GeV}\, \text{cm}^{-2}\, \text{s}^{-1}\,\text{sr}^{-1}$ and $4\times 10^{-8}\,\text{GeV}\,\text{cm}^{-2}\,\text{s}^{-1}\,\text{sr}^{-1}$. The upper limits disfavor a proton injection spectrum that extends beyond $100\,\text{TeV}$ without being suppressed. They also disfavor a hadronic injection spectrum derived from neutrino measurements.
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