Detailed spectral and morphological analysis of the shell type SNR RCW 86
H.E.S.S. Collaboration,A. Abramowski,F. Aharonian,F. Ait Benkhali,A.G. Akhperjanian,E.O. Angüner,M. Backes,A. Balzer,Y. Becherini,J. Becker Tjus,D. Berge,S. Bernhard,K. Bernlöhr,E. Birsin,R. Blackwell,M. Böttcher,C. Boisson,J. Bolmont,P. Bordas,J. Bregeon,F. Brun,P. Brun,M. Bryan,T. Bulik,J. Carr,S. Casanova,N. Chakraborty,R. Chalme-Calvet,R.C.G. Chaves,A. Chen,J. Chevalier,M. Chretien,S. Colafrancesco,G. Cologna,B. Condon,J. Conrad,C. Couturier,Y. Cui,I.D. Davids,B. Degrange,C. Deil,P. deWilt,A. Djannati-Atai,W. Domainko,A. Donath,L.O'C. Drury,G. Dubus,K. Dutson,J. Dyks,M. Dyrda,T. Edwards,K. Egberts,P. Eger,J.-P. Ernenwein,P. Espigat,C. Farnier,S. Fegan,F. Feinstein,M.V. Fernandes,D. Fernandez,A. Fiasson,G. Fontaine,A. Förster,M. Füßling,S. Gabici,M. Gajdus,Y.A. Gallant,T. Garrigoux,G. Giavitto,B. Giebels,J.F. Glicenstein,D. Gottschall,A. Goyal,M.-H. Grondin,M. Grudzińska,D. Hadasch,S. Häffner,J. Hahn,J. Hawkes,G. Heinzelmann,G. Henri,G. Hermann,O. Hervet,A. Hillert,J.A. Hinton,W. Hofmann,P. Hofverberg,C. Hoischen,M. Holler,D. Horns,A. Ivascenko,A. Jacholkowska,M. Jamrozy,M. Janiak,F. Jankowsky,I. Jung-Richardt,M.A. Kastendieck,K. Katarzynski,U. Katz,D. Kerszberg,B. Khelifi,M. Kieffer,S. Klepser,D. Klochkov,W. Kluzniak,D. Kolitzus,Nu. Komin,K. Kosack,S. Krakau,F. Krayzel,P.P. Krüger,H. Laffon,G. Lamanna,J. Lau,J. Lefaucheur,V. Lefranc,A. Lemiere,M. Lemoine-Goumard,J.-P. Lenain,T. Lohse,A. Lopatin,M. Lorentz,C.-C. Lu,R. Lui,V. Marandon,A. Marcowith,C. Mariaud,R. Marx,G. Maurin,N. Maxted,M. Mayer,P.J. Meintjes,U. Menzler,M. Meyer,A.M.W. Mitchell,R. Moderski,M. Mohamed,K. Moraa,E. Moulin,T. Murach,M. de Naurois,J. Niemiec,L. Oakes,H. Odaka,Öttl,S. Ohm,B. Opitz,M. Ostrowski,I. Oya,M. Panter,R.D. Parsons,M. Paz Arribas,N.W. Pekeur,G. Pelletier,P.-O. Petrucci,B. Peyaud,S. Pita,H. Poon,D. Prokhorov,H. Prokoph,G. Pühlhofer,M. Punch,A. Quirrenbach,S. Raab,I. Reichardt,A. Reimer,O. Reimer,M. Renaud,R. de los Reyes,F. Rieger,C. Romoli,S. Rosier-Lees,G. Rowell,B. Rudak,C.B. Rulten,V. Sahakian,D. Salek,D.A. Sanchez,A. Santangelo,M. Sasaki,R. Schlickeiser,F. Schüssler,A. Schulz,U. Schwanke,S. Schwemmer,A.S. Seyffert,R. Simoni,H. Sol,F. Spanier,G. Spengler,F. Spies,L. Stawarz,R. Steenkamp,C. Stegmann,F. Stinzing,K. Stycz,I. Sushch,J.-P. Tavernet,T. Tavernier,A.M. Taylor,R. Terrier,M. Tluczykont,C. Trichard,R. Tuffs,K. Valerius,J. van der Walt,C. van Eldik,B. van Soelen,G. Vasileiadis,J. Veh,C. Venter,A. Viana,P. Vincent,J. Vink,F. Voisin,H.J. Völk,T. Vuillaume,S.J. Wagner,P. Wagner,R.M. Wagner,M. Weidinger,R. White,A. Wierzcholska,P. Willmann,A. Wörnlein,D. Wouters,R. Yang,V. Zabalza,D. Zaborov,M. Zacharia,A.A. Zdziarski,A. Zech,F. Zefi,N. Zywucka,et al. (134 additional authors not shown)
Abstract:Aims: We aim for an understanding of the morphological and spectral properties of the supernova remnant RCW~86 and for insights into the production mechanism leading to the RCW~86 very high-energy gamma-ray emission. Methods: We analyzed High Energy Spectroscopic System data that had increased sensitivity compared to the observations presented in the RCW~86 H.E.S.S. discovery publication. Studies of the morphological correlation between the 0.5-1~keV X-ray band, the 2-5~keV X-ray band, radio, and gamma-ray emissions have been performed as well as broadband modeling of the spectral energy distribution with two different emission models. Results:We present the first conclusive evidence that the TeV gamma-ray emission region is shell-like based on our morphological studies. The comparison with 2-5~keV X-ray data reveals a correlation with the 0.4-50~TeV gamma-ray <a class="link-external link-http" href="http://emission.The" rel="external noopener nofollow">this http URL</a> spectrum of RCW~86 is best described by a power law with an exponential cutoff at $E_{cut}=(3.5\pm 1.2_{stat})$ TeV and a spectral index of $\Gamma$~$1.6\pm 0.2$. A static leptonic one-zone model adequately describes the measured spectral energy distribution of RCW~86, with the resultant total kinetic energy of the electrons above 1 GeV being equivalent to $\sim$0.1\% of the initial kinetic energy of a Type I a supernova explosion. When using a hadronic model, a magnetic field of $B$~100$\mu$G is needed to represent the measured data. Although this is comparable to formerly published estimates, a standard E$^{-2}$ spectrum for the proton distribution cannot describe the gamma-ray data. Instead, a spectral index of $\Gamma_p$~1.7 would be required, which implies that ~$7\times 10^{49}/n_{cm^{-3}}$erg has been transferred into high-energy protons with the effective density $n_{cm^{-3}}=n/ 1$ cm^-3. This is about 10\% of the kinetic energy of a typical Type Ia supernova under the assumption of a density of 1~cm^-3.
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena