China – Video / Systems
Liang Fan,Siwei Ma,Feng Wu,Xin Jin,Songnan Li,Haiwu Zhao,Guozhong Wang,Gang Hou,Yanhong Lu,Dandan Ding,Shuo Yao,Lei Deng,Xiao dong Xie,Bin Sheng,Wen Gao,Don Xie
Abstract:[7] Honggang Qi et al., " A study on the motion vector prediction schemes for AVS, " [9] Yanhong Lu, " Adaptive search range based fast quarter-pixel motion estimation for AVS, " MIPPR 2007: Remote Sensing and GIS Data Processing and Applications, and Innovative Multispectral Technology and Applications, Proc. of SPIE, A real-time full architecture for AVS motion estimation, " IEEE Trans. CE, [13] Huizhu Jia et. al., " An AVS HDTV video decoder architecture employing efficient HW/SW partitioning, " IEEE Trans.