Supporting Online Material : Observation of unconventional quantum spin textures in topologically ordered materials
D. Hsieh,Y. Xia,L. Wray,D. Qian,A. Pal,J. Dil,F. Meier,J. Osterwalder,G. Bihlmayer,C. Kane,Y. Hor,R. Cava,M Zahid Hasan
Abstract:A topologically ordered material is characterized by a rare quantum organization of electrons that evades the conventional spontaneously broken symmetry-based classification of condensed matter. Exotic spin-transport phenomena, such as the dissipationless quantum spin Hall effect, have been speculated to originate from a topological order whose identification requires a spin-sensitive measurement, which does not exist to this date in any system. Using Mott polarimetry, we probed the spin degrees of freedom and demonstrated that topological quantum numbers are completely determined from spin texture-imaging measurements. Applying this method to Sb and Bi1-xSbx, we identified the origin of its topological order and unusual chiral properties. These results taken together constitute the first observation of surface electrons collectively carrying a topological quantum Berry's phase and definite spin chirality, which are the key electronic properties component for realizing topological quantum computing bits with intrinsic spin Hall-like topological phenomena. Observation of unconventional quantum spin textures in topologically ordered materials D. Hsieh, Y. Xia, 2 L. Wray, 3 D. Qian, A. Pal, J.H. Dil, 5 F. Meier, 5 J. Osterwalder, G. Bihlmayer, C.L. Kane, Y.S. Hor, R.J. Cava, and M.Z. Hasan 2 Joseph Henry Laboratories of Physics, Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA Princeton Center for Complex Materials, PRISM, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Advanced Light Source, Berkeley, CA 94305, USA Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232, Villigen, Switzerland Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich-Irchel, 8057 Zürich, Switzerland Institut für Festkörperforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich, D-52425 Jülich, Germany Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA (Dated: July 12, 2008) Abstract Topological insulators are a fundamentally new quantum phase of matter that may provide a route to fault-tolerant quantum computing. A topologically ordered insulator or metal is uniquely identified by the spin structure of the Fermi contours that spontaneously exist on the sample boundaries. Here we report spin texture measurements on insulating and metallic Bi1−xSbx using Mott polarimetry and demonstrate a new method to probe topological quantum numbers not available from transport data. The spin textured edge Fermi contours reveal a new quantum order described by a mirror Chern topological number, and a surface Berry’s phase of π that is found to survive through the bulk insulator to metal transition. In addition, our spin maps reveal the parity-class origin of topological order in this series and provide critical spin information needed for device engineering with topological materials.