Three steps of Global Leadership (nutritional field) Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) and fill the diseases name (Chinese version ICD-10 listed) "nutritional risk " and "malnutrition " on front page of discharge medical record for letting big-data to find it to design the DRG contents for China
Abstract:Global leading scholars in the field of parenteral and enteral nutrition have been seeking for the criteria of diagnosis of malnutrition. In determining the diagnostic criteria for malnutrition, it is also necessary to take into account the normal values and clinically obtained cut-off points of different countries and races. The Global Leadership (nutrition field) Initiative on Malnutrition, GLIM) diagnostic criteria published online on Sep. 2 & Sep.3 2018. In January & February 2019, the [American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, ASPEN] and the [European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, ESPEN] published in print. The GLIM criteria has also been recorded in [National terminology of parenteral and enteral nutrition of China-2019]. In 2016 "Disease Classification and Code (Chinese expanding version of ICD-10)" having "nutritional risk" and "malnutrition" items officially listed. In 2019 " Notice on National Tertiary Public Hospitals" and in the "National Medical Insurance Administration-coding standard" also include the items of "nutritional risks " and "malnutrition" as diseases name.Although promoting individualized medical therapy in China now, but the actual situation of each clinical department is different. As far as parenteral and enteral nutrition is concerned, it was far from "precision medicine" or "targeted therapy " in clinical practice nowadays. The current aim is to identify which patients need nutrition support therapy for reasonable application - benefit to patient. China's DRG being developed by "big data survey system" . Therefore, it is necessary for "this system" can find nutritional risk and malnutrition as diseases name with the codes from Chinese expanding version of ICD-10. So, nutritional risk and malnutrition need to be filled in the cover page of discharged medical record.