Growth and degradation of advanced octahedral Pt-alloy nanoparticle catalysts for fuel cells

Marc Heggen,Martin Gocyla,Lin Gan,Peter Strasser,Rafal Dunin-Borkowski
Abstract:Octahedral Pt-Ni nanoparticles are highly attractive as fuel cell catalysts due to their extraordinarily high activity for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). A deep understanding of their atomic-scale structure, degradation and formation is a prerequisite for their use as rationally designed nanoparticle catalysts with high activity and long-term stability. Here, we present results from a comprehensive microstructural study of the growth and degradation behavior of various octahedral Pt-alloy nanoparticles using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Cs-corrected high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) combined with electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). We show that octahedral nanoparticles often show compositional anisotropy in the form of Ni-rich (111) facets, which lead to complex structural degradation during ORR electrocatalysis. The Ni-rich (111) facets are etched preferentially, resulting in the formation of first concave octahedra and then Pt-rich skeletons that have less active facets [1]. Furthermore, we reveal element-specific anisotropic growth as the reason for the compositional anisotropy and limited stability. During solvothermal synthesis, a Pt-rich nucleus evolves into precursor nanohexapods, followed by the slower step-induced deposition of Ni on the concave hexapod surface to form octahedral facets (Figure) [2]. Whereas the growth of Pt-rich hexapods is a ligand-controlled kinetic process, the step-induced deposition of the Ni-rich phase on the concave surface resembles a thermodynamically-controlled process and is accomplished over a much longer time. Furthermore, we demonstrate how Pt atom surface diffusion may produce a protective Pt surface layer on top of the Ni-rich facets, resulting in advanced and more stable octahedral catalysts. During in situ heating up to 800 °C using a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) chip heating holder (DENSsolutions, Delft, NL), we observed that Pt-rich corner atoms diffuse and fill the concave Ni-rich {111} facets, thereby forming octahedral nanoparticles with flat Pt-rich {111} surfaces [3].
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