M ay 2 00 4 C alibrating dipolar interaction in an atom ic condensate

S. Yi,L. You
Abstract:W e revisit the topic of a dipolar condensate with the recently derived m ore rigorous pseudopotentialfordipole-dipole interaction [A.D erevianko,Phys.Rev.A 67,033607 (2003)].Based on the highly successfulvariationaltechnique,we nd thatalldipolar e ects estim ated before (using thebaredipole-dipoleinteraction)becom esigni cantly larger,i.e.aream pli ed by thenew velocitydependentpseudo-potential,especially in the lim itoflarge orsm alltrap aspectratios. Thisresult pointsto a prom ising prospectfordetecting dipolare ectsinside an atom ic condensate.
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