Ultrasonic features of primary hepatocellular carcinoma with negative and positive expression of alpha fetoprotein: Comparison analysis
Xiao-man WANG,Zhe-lan ZHENG,Feng GAO,Hua-qin YUAN
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13929/j.1003-3289.2014.06.021
Abstract:Objective To compare ultrasound features of primary hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)with positive or negative expression ofα-fetoprotein(AFP).Methods Totally 103patients with HCC confirmed by pathology were collected,including 43negative-AFP HCC and 60of positive-AFP HCC.Ultrasound and CEUS features of the two kinds of HCC were analyzed and compared.Results Regular ultrasound showed most of negative-AFP HCC were single lesion(38/43,88.37%)with diameter≤3cm(32/43,74.42%)and regular shape(31/43,72.09%),mainly showed homogeneous echo(33/43,76.74%).In most of negative-AFP HCC,no necrosis and hemorrhage were observed(34/43,79.07%),rich center blood flow in the tumor could be seen(31/43,72.09%),67.44%(29/43)without invasion nor metastasis.Meanwhile,most of positive-AFP HCC were also single lesion(37/60,61.67%)with diameter3cm(37/60,61.67%)and irregular shape(41/60,68.33%),and the tumors mainly showed heterogeneous echo(39/60,65.00%).Among positiveAFP HCC,necrosis and hemorrhage were common(49/60,81.67%),and most showed surround rich blood flow(39/60,65.00%).Invasion or metastasis occurred in most of positive-AFP HCC(33/60,55.00%).There were statistical differences of the above ultrasound features between negative-and positive-AFP HCC(all P0.05).In CEUS,most of negative-AFP HCC(19/29,65.52%)showed wash-in and slow wash-out,while most of positive-AFP HCC(33/44,75.00%)showed wash-in and fast wash-out(P0.05).Conclusion There were differences of some ultrasonic features between negative-and positive-AFP HCC.AFP expression can be assessed initially through ultrasound.