Albert Einstein at the Zürich Polytechnic: a rare mastery of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory
Galina Weinstein
Abstract:Einstein at the Zürich Polytechnic: he skipped classes, did not attend all the lectures of his Professors, and before going to the examinations he studied instead from the notebooks of his good friend from class, Marcel Grossmann. Einstein the free-thinker did not respect the two major professors in the Polytechnic - Heinrich Friedrich Weber and Jean Pernet - who eventually turned on him. He felt that his beloved science had lost its appeal because Weber's lectures did not include Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. Einstein seldom showed up to Pernet's practical physics course. By his fourth-rightness and his distrust of authority he had alienated his professors, especially Weber, who apparently conceived a particular dislike of him. At the Zürich Polytechnic, Einstein could not easily bring himself to study what did not interest him. Most of his time he spent on his own studying Maxwell's theory and learning at first hand the works of great pioneers in science and philosophy: Boltzmann, Helmholtz, Kirchhoff, Hertz, Mach. Eventually, Einstein finished first in his class in the intermediate exams; second after him was his note taker Grossmann. Do not ever try Einstein's recipe for studying in college, because after obtaining the diploma, when he sought university positions, he was rebuffed. Finally rescue came from Grossmann, and thanks to him and his father Einstein obtained a post in the Patent Office. There are strong reasons to believe that it was Einstein's rare mastery of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory that ultimately prompted the Director of the Patent Office to offer him a job.
History and Philosophy of Physics