Evidence Of Color Coherence Effects In W Plus Jets Events From P(P)Over-Bar Collisions At Root S=1.8 Tev

B Abbott,M Abolins,V Abramov,Bs Acharya,I Adam,Dl Adams,M Adams,S Ahn,V Akimov,Ga Alves,N Amos,Ew Anderson,Mm Baarmand,Vv Babintsev,L Babukhadia,A Baden,B Baldin,S Banerjee,J Bantly,E Barberis,P Baringer,Jf Bartlett,A Belyaev,Sb Beri,I Bertram,Va Bezzubov,Pc Bhat,V Bhatnagar,M Bhattacharjee,G Blazey,S Blessing,P Bloom,A Boehnlein,Ni Bojko,F Borcherding,C Boswell,A Brandt,R Breedon,G Briskin,R Brock,A Bross,D Buchholz,Vs Burtovoi,Jm Butler,W Carvalho,D Casey,Z Casilum,H Castilla-Valdez,D Chakraborty,Km Chan,Sv Chekulaev,W Chen,Dk Cho,S Choi,S Chopra,Bc Choudhary,Jh Christenson,M Chung,D Claes,Ar Clark,Wg Cobau,J Cochran,L Coney,We Cooper,D Coppage,C Cretsinger,D Cullen-Vidal,Mac Cummings,D Cutts,Oi Dahl,K Davis,K De,K Del Signore,M Demarteau,D Denisov,Sp Denisov,Ht Diehl,M Diesburg,G Di Loreto,P Draper,Y Ducros,Lv Dudko,Sr Dugad,A Dyshkant,D Edmunds,J Ellison,Vd Elvira,R Engelmann,S Eno,G Eppley,P Ermolov,Ov Eroshin,J Estrada,H Evans,Vn Evdokimov,T Fahland,Mk Fatyga,S Feher,D Fein,T Ferbel,He Fisk,Y Fisyak,E Flattum,Ge Forden,M Fortner,Kc Frame,S Fuess,E Gallas,An Galyaev,P Gartung,V Gavrilov,Tl Geld,Rj Genik,K Genser,Ce Gerber,Y Gershtein,B Gibbard,G Ginther,B Gobbi,B Gomez,G Gomez,Pi Goncharov,Jlg Solis,H Gordon,Lt Goss,K Gounder,A Goussiou,N Graf,Pd Grannis,Dr Green,Ja Green,H Greenlee,S Grinstein,P Grudberg,S Grunendahl,G Guglielmo,Ja Guida,Jm Guida,A Gupta,Sn Gurzhiev,G Gutierrez,P Gutierrez,Nj Hadley,H Haggerty,S Hagopian,V Hagopian,Ks Hahn,Re Hall,P Hanlet,S Hansen,Jm Hauptman,C Hays,C Hebert,D Hedin,Ap Heinson,U Heintz,R Hernandez-Montoya,T Heuring,R Hirosky,Jd Hobbs,B Hoeneisen,Js Hoftun,F Hsieh,T Hu,As Ito,J Jaques,Sa Jerger,R Jesik,T Joffe-Minor,K Johns,M Johnson,A Jonckheere,M Jones,H Jostlein,Sy Jun,S Kahn,D Karmanov,D Karmgard,R Kehoe,Sk Kim,B Klima,C Klopfenstein,B Knuteson,W Ko,Jm Kohli,D Koltick,Av Kostritskiy,J Kotcher,Av Kotwal,Av Kozelov,Ea Kozlovsky,J Krane,Mr Krishnaswamy,S Krzywdzinski,M Kubantsev,S Kuleshov,Y Kulik,S Kunori,F Landry,G Landsberg,A Leflat,J Li,Qz Li,Jgr Lima,D Lincoln,Sl Linn,J Linnemann,R Lipton,Jg Lu,A Lucotte,L Lueking,Aka Maciel,Rj Madaras,R Madden,L Magana-Mendoza,V Manankov,S Mani,Hs Mao,R Markeloff,T Marshall,Mi Martin,Rd Martin,Km Mauritz,B May,Aa Mayorov,R Mccarthy,J Mcdonald,T Mckibben,J Mckinley,T Mcmahon,Hl Melanson,M Merkin,Kw Merritt,C Miao,H Miettinen,A Mincer,Cs Mishra,N Mokhov,Nk Mondal,He Montgomery,M Mostafa,H Da Motta,F Nang,M Narain,Vs Narasimham,A Narayanan,Ha Neal,Jp Negret,P Nemethy,D Norman,L Oesch,V Oguri,N Oshima,D Owen,P Padley,A Para,N Parashar,Ym Park,R Partridge,N Parua,M Paterno,B Pawlik,J Perkins,M Peters,R Piegaia,H Piekarz,Y Pischalnikov,Bg Pope,Hb Prosper,S Protopopescu,J Qian,Pz Quintas,R Raja,S Rajagopalan,O Ramirez,Nw Reay,S Reucroft,M Rijssenbeek,T Rockwell,M Roco,P Rubinov,R Ruchti,J Rutherfoord,A Sanchez-Hernandez,A Santoro,L Sawyer,Rd Schamberger,H Schellman,J Sculli,E Shabalina,C Shaffer,Hc Shankar,Rk Shivpuri,D Shpakov,M Shupe,Ra Sidwell,H Singh,Jb Singh,V Sirotenko,P Slattery,E Smith,Rp Smith,R Snihur,Gr Snow,J Snow,S Snyder,J Solomon,Xf Song,M Sosebee,N Sotnikova,M Souza,Nr Stanton,G Steinbruck,Rw Stephens,Ml Stevenson,F Stichelbaut,D Stoker,V Stolin,Da Stoyanova,M Strauss,K Streets,M Strovink,A Sznajder,P Tamburello,J Tarazi,M Tartaglia,Tlt Thomas,J Thompson,D Toback,Tg Trippe,Pm Tuts,V Vaniev,N Varelas,Ew Varnes,Aa Volkov,Ap Vorobiev,Hd Wahl,J Warchol,G Watts,M Wayne,H Weerts,A White,Jt White,Ja Wightman,S Willis,Sj Wimpenny,Jvd Wirjawan,J Womersley,Dr Wood,R Yamada,P Yamin,T Yasuda,P Yepes,K Yip,C Yoshikawa,S Youssef,J Yu,Y Yu,M Zanabria,Z Zhou,Zh Zhu,M Zielinski,D Zieminska,A Zieminski,V Zutshi,Eg Zverev,Z Zylberstejn
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693(99)01015-1
IF: 4.95
Physics Letters B
Abstract:We report the results of a study of color coherence effects in p (p) over bar collisions based on data collected by the D phi detector during the 1994-1995 run of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, at a center of mass energy root s = 1.8 TeV. Initial-to-final state color interference effects are observed by examining particle distribution patterns in events with a W boson and at least one jet. The data are compared to Monte Carlo simulations with different color coherence implementations and to an analytic modified-leading-logarithm perturbative calculation based on the local parton-hadron duality hypothesis. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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