The Transformation Mechanism from Enterprise Knowledge to Marketing Dynamic Capability: The Comparison Research between Hongjitang and Tasly
Hui XU,Zi-chao XUE,Wei-sheng DENG
Abstract:Facing uncertain market environment, companies usually acquire and accumulate large amount of enterprise knowledge. However, previous studies have shown that simply increasing the stock of enterprise knowledge cannot improve the competitive advantage of enterprises. Thus their marketing dynamic capability should be improved. Furthermore, the transformation from enterprise knowledge to marketing dynamic capability is critically necessary, of which consists four cross-functional business processes——product development management, customer relationship management, supply chain management, and market research and information utilization management. In this paper, we compare two cases of different process management as the main line. in the view of knowledge transformation, we explore the mechanism from enterprise knowledge to marketing dynamic capability. The research shows that enterprise knowledge exists in different singles from different levels in enterprises, while enterprises applies knowledge to different organizational processes management by knowledge sharing. Through further integration, enterprise knowledge becomes more systematic and available. Reconstruction is the last procedure to transfer enterprise knowledge to marketing dynamic capability by practice and theory innovation. Since Hongjitang possesses a long history of over one hundred years, it has more abundant original knowledge stock, the enterprise is more experienced in the management of supply chain and product development, thus tending to apply more enterprise knowledge to the supply chain process management and product development process management. Therefore, the transformation process reflects the character of more knowledge transmission and innovation. However, Tasly is a young enterprise, whose original knowledge stock is less abundant. Nevertheless, Tasly has been developing at an amazing speed, and apparently, Tasly seems to pay more attention to the management of customer relationship and market research and information utilization, thus applying more enterprise knowledge to customer relationship process management and market research and information utilization process management. Therefore, the transformation process reflects the character of more knowledge chasing and breakthrough. Moreover, apart from the differences of knowledge stock between Hongjitang and Tasly, the impact of institution and culture as well as the importance of information also have great influence on the transformation mechanism. Generally speaking, the longer history a company holds, the stronger institution and culture work. After several changes of leadership, enterprises such as Hongjitang come into steady, with the help of institution and culture to deal with environment uncertainty. However, once an enterprise form some certain path, it would react less slowly to the market information. When it comes to younger enterprises such as Tasly, it just turns out to be the opposite. Since younger enterprises are smaller, leaders of the enterprise are able to catch up with the newest information, with less institution and culture, the leader can put information into decision soon without being held by endless discussion. Although there are many differences between the two cases, the two transformation mechanism will change as time goes by. Once a young enterprise accumulates enough knowledge, it would probably pour more resource to the management process of supply chain and product development, as well as its marketing dynamic capability. Therefore, the conclusion of this paper mainly makes contribution to theoretical and practical development of enterprises to choose their own knowledge transformation model to improve marketing dynamic capability to answer the challenge of uncertain market environment. However, some shortages must be reminded for the sake of science precision. First, the two enterprises both major in Chinese medicine business, the conclusion of this paper should try some other industries. Second, the comparison study between two cases lacks deeper logistics for case study, which remains to be fulfilled.