Interplay of thermal and non-thermal effects in x-ray-induced ultrafast melting
Ichiro Inoue,Victor Tkachenko,Yuya Kubota,Fabien Dorchies,Toru Hara,Hauke Höeppner,Yuichi Inubushi,Konrad J. Kapcia,Hae Ja Lee,Vladimir Lipp,Paloma Martinez,Eiji Nishibori,Taito Osaka,Sven Toleikis,Jumpei Yamada,Makina Yabashi,Beata Ziaja,Philip A. Heimann
Abstract:X-ray laser-induced structural changes in silicon undergoing femtosecond melting have been investigated by using an x-ray pump-x-ray probe technique. The experimental results for different initial sample temperatures reveal that the onset time and the speed of the atomic disordering are independent of the initial temperature, suggesting that equilibrium atomic motion in the initial state does not play a pivotal role in the x-ray-induced ultrafast melting. By comparing the observed time-dependence of the atomic disordering and the dedicated theoretical simulations, we interpret that the energy transfer from the excited electrons to ions via electron-ion coupling (thermal effect) as well as a strong modification of the interatomic potential due to electron excitations (non-thermal effect) trigger the ultrafast atomic disordering. Our finding of the interplay of thermal and non-thermal effects in the x-ray-induced melting demonstrates that accurate modeling of intense x-ray interactions with matter is essential to ensure a correct interpretation of experiments using intense x-ray laser pulses.
Applied Physics,Atomic Physics,Optics