Polynomials Counting Group Colorings in Graphs
Houshan Fu
Abstract:Jaeger et al. in 1992 introduced group coloring as the dual concept to group connectivity in graphs. Let $\Gamma$ be an Abelian group, $ f: E(G)\to\Gamma$ and $D$ an orientation of a graph $G$. A vertex coloring $c:V(G)\to\Gamma$ is a $(\Gamma, f)$-coloring if $c(v)-c(u)\ne f(e)$ for each edge $e=uv$, where the corresponding arc $D(e)=(u,v)$ is directed from $u$ to $v$. We introduce the concept of $\alpha$-compatible graphs and define the cycle-assigning polynomial $P(G, \alpha; k)$ at $k$ in terms of $\alpha$-compatible spanning subgraphs, where $\alpha$ is an assigning of $G$ from its cycles to $\{0,1\}$. We prove that the cycle-assigning polynomial $P(G,\alpha;k)$ equals the number of $(\Gamma,f)$-colorings for any Abelian group $\Gamma$ of order $k$ and $f:E(G)\to\Gamma$ such that the assigning $\alpha_{D,f}$ induced by $f$ equals $\alpha$. In particular, $P(G,\alpha;k)$ is the classical chromatic polynomial if $\alpha$ is the zero function. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of $\alpha$-compatible broken cycles and interpret $P(G,\alpha;k)$ in terms of $\alpha$-compatible spanning subgraphs that do not contain $\alpha$-compatible broken cycles. This implies that the absolute value of the coefficient of $k^{r(G)-i}$ in $P(G,\alpha;k)$ equals the number of $\alpha$-compatible spanning subgraphs that have $i$ edges and contain no $\alpha$-compatible broken cycles, which generalizes the Whitney's Broken Cycle Theorem. Based on the combinatorial explanation, we establish a unified order-preserving relation from assignings to cycle-assigning polynomials. Finally, we show that for any loopless graph $G$, the coefficients of the cycle-assigning polynomial $P(G,\alpha;k)$ are nonzero and alternate in sign, and further conjecture that the sequence of absolute values of its coefficients is unimodal and log-concave.