Psychological factors related to stage of mammography adoption.
Gretchen A. Brenes,Gretchen A. Brenes,C. Skinner
Journal of Women s Health & Gender-Based Medicine
Abstract:This study examined the differences among women at different stages of mammography adoption on Health Belief Model variables, response efficacy, knowledge, and avoidance. A random sample of 361 women aged > or =40 years were grouped into six stages of mammography adoption (precontemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance, relapse precontemplation, relapse contemplation). A multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant differences among women on all components of the Health Belief Model except perceived seriousness, as well as differences on response efficacy, knowledge, and avoidance. Results indicate that there are significant differences between women who have never had a mammogram (precontemplation and contemplation stages) and women who have had a mammogram in the past but are currently noncompliant (relapse stages). Further, significant differences were found between compliant women who have had one mammogram (action) and compliant women who have had multiple mammograms (maintenance) on barriers, motivation, confidence, and avoidance.