Is "Neuro-history" Plausible?
Sun Zhong,Zhang Wenxi
Abstract:New developments in natural sciences have always been both opportunities for learning and challenges to humanity and social sciences.The fast development of neurology has produced much spillover that permeates studies on humans,creating many new disciplines with the ″neuro-″ prefix.Do we expect that a ″neuro-history″ will appear in the near future and occupy a predominant place in historiography? History is about the story of humans.Its subject is human being,and its content concerns human thinking,feeling and action.Neuro-disciplines of humanity,however,tend to think that all of the thinking and feeling in daily life are wrong or simply ″illusions,″ for they depend on superficial ″folk psychology.″ Important things happened only at the neurological level,so there is no mental substance or subject.The subject in history is the brain,or the cerebral subject.The genetic structure of the brain has decided how humans think,feel and act.Therefore,freedom is also an illusion.If such a neuro-history finally prevails,it will bring about fundamental changes on the self-understanding of humans and their history.Generally speaking,this should be regarded as a threat of naturalism to humanity.The response from humanities,however,does not have to be flight into mysterious realms.Realists agree that human history lies in solid nature.However,even as realists,we do not think neuro-history is an adequate research programme.The subjects of history can only be humans and nations,rather than brains or neuro-systems.Life goes on at a holistical level.To try to use any part of the human body to replace the whole man will make statements in historiography senseless.Moreover,one reason for our rejection of replacing mind with brain as the agent of history is that brain is a physical thing and so cannot live in a narrative or teleological way.It falls within the realm of cause and effect.Thus,if brain takes over the role of the mind and becomes cerebral subject,it will not lead to realism,but will re-enchant nature.This will be shocking to many scientists,because the disenchantment of nature has been achieved by scientists only a couple of centuries or so,with difficult struggle against the long religious tradition.Furthermore,human action is not cause-effect determined,but follows a teleological pattern.Even though we are often under serious pressures of various kinds,we are not ″determined″ like a thing.All the pressures will become concerns in the human mind as he or she ″cares for″ or plans future actions.Therefore,freedom is always there.As a matter of fact,it grows more and more in the world,which provides ″meaning″ to our pursuits in history.In fact,sentences and language acquire meaning only in certain forms of life.Therefore,″Subject,″ ″freedom″ and ″soul″ are meaningful expressions,rather than ″illusions,″ in life,history and literature.On the other hand,the new naturalism led by neuroscience has been invading life-world with their particular languages and perspectives.This can be interpreted by the gradual predominance of commercialism and technology in modernity.Max Weber has predicted the future of human history as modernity deepens.Neuro-history or neuro-humanities may just reflect this trajectory.The question for us is:are we ready for this destiny?