On Ethical Literary Criticism and Game Theory—An Interview with Professor Nie Zhenzhao

niE Zhenzhao,HUanG Kaihong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17265/2159-5836/2024.03.005
Abstract:HUanG Kaihong,a professor of Southwest University of Science and TechnoLogy and visit-ing schoLar at SchooL of Chinese Lang uage and Literatuer at CentraL China normaL University,con-ducted interviews with Professor niE Zhenzhao twice. The interviews focus on ethicaL Literary criti-cism,principLes in Game Theory and their reLationship. in the opinion of Professor niE,it is worth discussing whether the Game Theory is appLicabLe to Literature studies. MeanwhiLe,he points out that Literary ethics criticism is a methodoLogy based on ethicaL seLection and has gained great attention of Literary critics from abroad and home for its accordance with the practicaL needs of Literary criticism, that is,to pay more attention to text anaLysis rather than theory deduction onLy. He aLso eLucidates some core terms in Literary ethics criticism and shares his views on the reLationship between moraL teaching and aesthetics.
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