Reflection on the Enforcement of 1954 Constitution

Jing-xue FAN
Abstract:The 1954 constitution is not a compLete sociaList constitution,but it estabLished the constitutionaL framework and system that Laid the base of basic framework of the sociaList constitutionaLism with Chinese char-acteristics. After the 1954 constitution was promuLgated,the specific impLementation focuses on three aspects:one is the institutionaL framework of nationaL power estabLished on the basis of the constitution;Second,ac-cording to the constitution of the NationaL PeopLe's Congress activeLy exercise their functions and powers,exert its functions;Third,the compLetion of sociaList transformation and the basic estabLishment of the sociaList sys-tem were conducted in accordance with the constitution. The vitaLity of a constitution not onLy Lies in its enac-tion. What is more important is to impLement. The Life of Law Lies in impLementation. OnLy when the constitu-tion was put into practice,can constitutionaLism be acheved.
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