Impacts of Field Independence and Field Dependence Cognitive Style on Information Seeking Performance:A Meta-analysis Research

Abstract:C ognitive style is aterm used tod escribe users’ inbu ilt and re latively consistent preferences inorganizing and re pre senting inform ation. There are incons is tent find ings onthe re lations hip betweencognitive style and webinform ationseeking perform ance accord ing toc u rrent lite ratu re . The present study calcu late s the ove raleffe ct size based onthe id entifie d 11 stu d y sam ples throu ghmeta-analysis method ,while the fie ld ind ependence and fie ld dependence cognitive style is as indep end entvariable and inform ationseeking timeand achie ve m ent are as dependent variable s. R esults showthat cognitive style is s ignific antly re late d withinform ationseeking perform ance and the effect size is m oderate. Fie ld indep end ent users showhig he r timee ffic ienc y as we l as fie ld indep end ent users showhig he r achievem ents. The study sam ples are hom ogeneous onthe effects betweencognitivestyle and achievem ents bu t the y are heterogeneous onthe effects betweencognitive style and time. Fu rthe r we dem onstrate that some te c hnic al factors likep artic ip ants ’ c ountry ,researchconte x t,cognitive style m easurem ent instru m ents and publicationtype shownos ignific ant im pacts ontheeffe ct size.
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