Research on Multi-Parameter Monitoring of Steel Frame Shaking-Table Test Using Smartphone
Ruicong Han,Kenneth J. Loh,Xuefeng Zhao,Yan Yu
Abstract:The numerical simulation promises an effective method to assess seismic damage of high-rise structure. But it's difficult to determine the input parameters and the simulation results are not completely consistent with the real condition. A more direct approach to evaluate the seismic damage is the structural health monitoring (SHM), which is one complex set of various kinds of sensors, devices and software, and always needs professionals. SHM system has achieved great development over recent years, especially on bridge structures. However it's not so popular on high-rise building due to its difficult implementation. Developing a low-cost and convenient monitoring technique will be helpful for the safety maintenance of high-rise building. Smartphones, which embedded with sensors, network transmission, data storage and processing system, are evolving towards crowdsourcing. The popularity of smartphones presents opportunities for implementation of portable SHM system on buildings. In this paper, multi-parameter monitoring of a three-story steel frame on shaking table under earthquake excitations was conducted with smartphone, and the comparison between smartphone and traditional sensors was provided. First, the monitoring applications on iOS platform, Orion-CC and D-viewer, were introduced. Then the experimental details were presented, including three-story frame model, sensors placement, viscous dampers and so on. Last, the acceleration and displacement time-history curves of smartphone and traditional sensors are provided and compared to prove the feasibility of the monitoring on frame under earthquake excitations by smartphone.