Carbon Budget of Forest Ecosystems and Its Driving Forces

Jingyun Fang,Yao Huang,Jiangling Zhu,Wenjuan Sun,Huifeng Hu
Abstract:Forests play an important role in regional and glob-al carbon ( C ) cycles.Quantitative estimation of com-ponents of forest C budget and their spatial and temporal distributions is both of scientific and of political impor-tance.Here we provide a brief review of update findings of forest C budgets and mechanisms at spatial scales of national, regional and global.In general, China's for-ests have biomass C sink of 1896 Tg during 1977—2008, with an annual C sink of 70.2TgC/yr.All sec-tors ( biomass, plant residue, litter and soil) of forest C pool shows significant C sink, with a total sequestration rate of 186.7TgC/yr, in recent ten years.The biomass C stocks of the forests in East Asian increased as a whole over 1970s—2000s.China and Japan were two major contributors to the total region's forest C sink while the reduction in forest land in both North Korea and Mongolia caused a C loss.In China, the areal ex-pansion of planted forest land was a larger contributor to C sinks than increased biomass density.On the contra-ry, forests in Japan and South Korea acted as a C sink because of increased forest growth rather than area in-crement.Globally, a total forest sink of 4.0PgC was es-timated based on forest inventory data and long-term e-cosystem carbon studies for 1990 to 2007 .The total car-bon sequestration by world forests offset half of its con-temporary fossil-fuel CO2 emissions.
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