Clinical research of patent ductus arteriosus occlusion
LI Fen,ZHOU Ai-qing,JIANG Shi-liang,LI Yu-fen,HAN Ling,ZHU Xian-yang,KONG Xiang-qing,WANG Guang-yi,MA Pei-ran,ZHANG Yu-shun,HUA Yi-min
Abstract:objectives To summarize clinical experience from multiple cardiovascular centers in China for exploring indications,methodologies and complications related to patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occlusion. Methods In this retrospective study, 3 215 patients (1 331 males,1 884 females,≤ 2 years 734 patients, > 2 years 2 481 patients) were included. Six(6) methods were applied,which were Porstmann method,Rashkind method,Sideris method,Cook coil method, Pfm coil method and Amplatzer method. Of which,Amplatzer method and coil method accounting for 73 % and 14 % respectively. Results General technological success rate was 98 %. Amplatzer method,Coil method and Porstmann method were 99.7 %,99.1 % and 92 % respectively. Twelve (12) patients with Amplatzer or Coil methods failed and the causes were complications such as Essenmenger syndrome (5/12), large window- shaped or short tube- shaped PDA (3/12),poor angiographical visualization of PDA (1/12), large PDA with severe pneumonia and heart failure(1/12), complicated severe pulmonary hypertension and hypotension after device implantation (1/12) and device embolization and transferred to surgery(1/12). Complications included residual shunt (103/3 215), thromboses in femoral arteries ( 29/3 215), hemolyses post procedures (8/3 215),device embolization (2/3 215), coarctation of the aorta (2/3 215) and stenosis of the left pulmonary artery (1/3 215). Conclusions Transcatheter occlusion of PDA is a safe and effective alternative to surgical repair. If indications and tactics of procedures were appropriate and manipulations conformed to standard procedures,good results could be obtained. Coils are applicable to occluding small- medium PDA and Amplatzer duct occluders to medium- large PDA.