Analysis of 11 cases of severe renal i mpair ment after percutaneous nephrolithoto my

Heng Zhang,Gensheng Lu,Wenhao Shen,Weibin Li,YanJunan,ZhouZansong,PanJinhong
Abstract:Objective:To analyze the reasons of renal dysfunction after percutaneous nephrolithoto my to prevent the complication.Methods:The clinical data of 11 cases of percutaneous nephrolithotomy were retrospectively re-viewed,includingultrasound,MRU,IVPandECTresultsbeforeandafteroperation.Results:In11cases withse-vere renal functioni mpair ment and creatinine filtration rate lower than 20 %of the nor mal ,ECTshowed flat varicose and I VP was not displayed .Nine cases had severe hydronephrosis ,one had no obvious hydronephrosis ,and one had renal atrophy.Preoperativeureteropelvicjunctionstenosis wasidentifiedin7cases.Eightcasesreceivedureteropelvic junctionstenosisoperation,andthreecases weresubjectedtoremovalofthekidney.Conclusions:The mostimpor-tant reason of postoperative renal dysfunction after percutaneous nephrolithotomyis ureteropelvic junction stenosis , whichneedslithotripsyof ureteral obstructionatthesametime,andpostoperativeregularfollow-upis necessary.
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