A Study of the Reproductive Health Service Need and Its Associated Factors of Women Requesting Induced Abortion in Cities of Sichuan,China

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-6946.2005.03.021
Abstract:Objective : To identify the requirement of reproductive health service for women seeking for induced abortion incities of Sichuan , China . Methods : Asurveyin 42 83 pregnant women seeking for induced abortion in dif ferent cities in Sichuan Province . Results :Ninety percent of participant sneeded different kinds off amily planning ser vices . Seven tyeight percent needed service sonmaternal childcare , prenatalcare ,eugenics , and treatment and pre vention for sex transmitted diseases . The way of obtaining services needed included consultation , education through TV ,radio , booklet, orattending class , visiting bydoctor or family doctor .Seventy three percent hoped theservices were provided byorganization sequaltoor highert hancity , orprovinciallevel.Conclusions :Theneedofpregnant women requesting for induced abortion was large and multip leinourprovince . MediasuchasTV ,radio , and booklet, and consultatio nareeasyt obeaccepted and couldim proverepro ductive health knowledge in womenre questing in ducedabortion . Meanwhile , training on family planning workers and medical doctor scould improve the quality ofre productive health services ,and avoid unwanted pregnancy or abortion .
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