Study on Domestic Violence among Women Asking Induced Abortion

Abstract:Objective To investigate the prevalence and type severity of domestic violence among women asking induced abortion in the northern cities of China.Methods A cross-setional study,a structure questionnaire were conducted from November 2001 to January 2002 in the family planning departm ent of Women and Children's Hospitals in Tianjin,Liaoning,Henan and Shanxi are as.A total of 1?215 women asking induced abortion in the cities were interviewe d.Results Of the 1?215 women 274 of them (22.6%)were r eported to experience domestic violence from their intimate partners,including 1 8 1% sexual abuse,7.8% physical abuse and 3.0% emotional abuse.The prevalence of dom estic violence during women's lifetime and current pregnancy were 21.7% and 7.0%.Among abused women,46(16.8%) of them often experienced violence and almost an equal proportion of women experienced violence occasionally or sometimes(40.5 % and 42.7%,respectively).Most of abused women(77.0%) only experienced one type of violence,but 4.4% experienced three types of violence(sexual,physical and emo tional violence).The most common type of violence was sexual violence and next w as physical violence.Conclusion There was relatively high prevalence of domest ic violence among women with induced abortion in the northern cities of China.Th erefore,it was necessary to develop an intervention program among women with ind uced abortion and to enhance health providers' awareness of the problem and thei r ability to identify domestic violence.
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