Study on IEC Services Among Unmarried Women Seeking Abortions in Hospitals
ZUO Xia-yun,YIN Xun-li,LOU Chao-hua,CUI Nian,WANG Jin-tao,TU Xiao-wen,YU Chun-yan,WANG Zi-liang,XU Jiang-jiang
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the IEC(information education and counseling) services,and willingness of contraceptive use,among those unmarried women seeking abortions in three cities in China,in order to provide scientific evidence for the development of post-aboriton care.Methods:Three selected cities were Shanghai,Chengdu and Taiyuan.A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 1 271 unmarried women aged below 25,seeking abortions in hospitals.Results:Over eighty percent of subjects received IEC.IEC mainly focused on "watch-outs after abortion","abortion methods" and "possible complications of abortion".Information was mainly obtained through talking with doctors(77.84%-89.34%)and reading brochures(25.68%-29.55%)and posters(20.11%-38.52%).Among subjects obtained IEC,about 34.72%-50.77% of them could understand "watch-outs after abortion",22.46%-29.59% of them could understand "abortion complications" and about 30.49%~44.11% could understand "contraception knowledge".About 2.11%-12.47% of subjects obtained contraceptive methods,56.24%~81.46% actively asked questions during the interaction with doctors,mainly focusing on "watch-outs after abortion" and "physically adverse effects of abortion",while only 66% were satisfied with doctor's explanation.Compared with the actual use of contraceptives during the past six months,the percentage of subjects willing to use contraceptive methods after abortion rose,while the percentage of those willing to use unsafe contraceptive methods decreased.Conclusions:Although those unmarried women have improved their contraceptive desire,post-abortion services in hospitals was still weak.The weak aspects included inappropriate information provided by doctors,lack of patient-doctor communication,insufficient use of brochures/posters/videos and so on.