Acute Metabolic Crisis Induced by Vaccination in Patients of Inherited Endocrine Metabolic Disorders
Abstract:Objectives To describe the c li nical course of patients with acute metabolic crisis induced by vaccination in t hose with inherited metabolic or endocrine disorders. Method s The clinical features,laboratory findings,diagnosis,treatm ent and outcome were reviewed in 7 patients(5 boys and 2 girls).Only one boy wi th 21-hydroxylase deficiency(21-OHD)was diagnosed previously when he was 1 month old.Others,whose diagnosis were confirmed after hospitalization through endoc rinological tests,urine organic acid analysis,blood acylcarnitine profiles or brain MR imaging.Two patients had positive famil y history. Results Acute metabolic crisis occurred at 3-12 hours after Japanese encephalitis,diphtheria and tetanus toxoi ds and acellular pertussis(DTaP),hepatiti s B or measles vaccine administration in 7 patients.Case one and two had acute a drenal insufficiency.Vomiting,dehydration,hyperkalemia,hyponatremia and mark ed elevation of serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone were found in those cases.21-OHD w as diagnosed in the two patients.After hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone suppl ementations,they felt better than before.But case two of acute adrenal cr isis induced by pneumonia when she was one year old.Case 3-7 received vaccine w hen they were 3-9 months old.Case three had mild movement retardation previously with s eizures,coma,metabolic acidosis and ketosis at 10 hours after vacination.Meth y lmalonic aciduria was confirmed by urine organic acid analysis.The boy died at the age of two years because of severe metabolic acidosis.Case 4-7 had norm al development previ o usly.Three patients suffered from fever,seizures,coma,acidosis and hypoglyce mia after vaccination at the age of 5-9 months.Although they got better after allop a thic treatment,severe psychomotor retardation and general palsy remained.Gluta ri c aciduria type 1 was detected in case 4 at the age of 2 years.Leigh syndrome w a s found in case 5-7 at the age of 1 year.Three babies died in respiratory failu r e when they were one and half years old.Typical pathological findings,such as sy mmetrical foci,cystic cavitations with neuronal loss,vascular proliferation,w ere observed by autopsy. Conclusions Careful etiological investigation would be hel pful both for the patients with malnutrition and psychomotor retardation before vaccination to prevent the accidents and explain the causes of adverse events.