Appraisal of efficacy and safety of imported propafenone in treatment of ventricular premature beats

Abstract:AIM: To appraise efficacy and safety of imported propafenone in treatment of vertricular prematurebeats(VPBs). METHODS:Taking mexiletine as the control, 107 patients, aged (45.8 + 12.4) a, with VPBs was en-rolled in this study and randomized to 2 treatment groups, propafenone and mexiletine groups. The ratio of numbers of im-ported propafenone group to that of mexiletine group was 2: 1. RESULTS: The effective rates for VPBs in patients givenimported propafenone and mexiletine were 54.9% and 66.6%, respectively. The effective rates of 2 groups were in-significant statistically ( P > 0.05). P-R interval before and after treatment with imported propafenone was significant(P <0.05), and electrocardiogram (ECG) indexes else between before treatment and after treatment of importedpropafenone were insignificant statistically ( P > 0.05). All ECG indexes between before treatment and after treatment ofmexiletine were insignificant statistically ( P > 0.05), and it was insignificant to compare the differences of ECG indexesbetween before treatment and after treatment of imported propafenone with those of mexiletine ( P > 0.05). The occur-rence rate of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) was 14.1% in imported propafenone treatment group, in which cardiovascu-lar ADRs accounted for 60%, and that in mexiletine treatment group was 8.3%, and no cardiovascular ADRs were ob-served in mexiletine treatment group. There wasn' t significant difference to be found in occurrence rate of ADRs between 2 groups. The function damage of liver and kidney wasn' t observed in 2 treatment groups. CONCLUSION: The import-ed propafenone is effective in treatment of VPBs, and it' s dosage of not more than 600 rmg@ d- 1 is relatively safe.
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