Security Notes on Generalization of Threshold Signature and Authenticated Encryption
Shuhong Wang,Guilin Wang,Feng Bao,Jie Wang
Abstract:SUMMARY In 2000, Wang et al. proposed a ( t , n ) threshold signa-ture scheme with ( k , l ) threshold shared verification, and a ( t , n ) thresholdauthenticated encryption scheme with ( k , l ) threshold shared verification.Later, Tseng et al. mounted some attacks against Wang et al.’s schemes.At the same, they also presented the improvements. In this paper, we firstpoint out that Tseng et al.’s attacks are actually invalid due to their mis-understanding of Wang et al.’s Schemes. Then, we show that both Wanget al.’s schemes and Tseng et al.’s improvements are indeed insecure bydemonstrating several effective attacks. key words: digital signature, threshold signature, authenticated encryp-tion, security, cryptography 1. Introduction Since the first introduction of the group-oriented cryptosys-tems for group communications by Desmedt [1] in 1987,several solutions and modifications have been proposed in[2]–[4],[6]–[8] by employing threshold techniques. A ( t , n )threshold signature scheme allows