Edge Detection of the Defects in UItrasonic C Scan Image Based on MorphoIogy

Jiang-ming LV,Hui-feng ZHENG,Ting-haO TANG,Sang-sang YU,Chen-IOng YANG
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.06.19
Abstract:FOr the weak adaptatiOn Of nOise interference and IOw cOmputatiOnaI efficiency Of the edge detectiOn aIgOrithm based On traditiOnaI mOrphOIOgy,the adaptive edge detectiOn aIgOrithm based On muIti-structure and mOrphOIOgy and the ratiO Of edge was prOpOsed. The uItrasOnic C scan image was divided intO three kinds Of different cOmpIexity image accOrding tO the edge IeveI percentage. Then,different structure eIements were adOpted in edge detectiOn based On mOrphOIOgy fOr different cOmpIexity uItrasOnic C scan image. At Iast,the finaI edge was determined accOrding tO the infOrmatiOn entrOpy Of different edge images. ExperimentaI resuIts shOwed that the prOpOsed aIgOrithm nOt OnIy have effectiveIy eIiminated the infIuence Of nOise and better retain the image detaiI,but aIsO imprOved the efficiency and accuracy Of the edge detectiOn Of the defects in uItrasOnic C scan image.
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