Arc-length Constrained Deformation of Characteristic NURBS Curves for Customized Shoe-Last CAD System
Abstract:A customized shoe-last system is developed based on the deformation of characteristic NURBS curves for feet or shoe-lasts to enable customized shoes without a shoe-last database.Deformations of the feet or shoe-lasts characteristic curves are used to make new shoe-lasts with constraints of the arc-lengths.The system uses comfort matching rules between the feet and the shoe-lasts with the characteristic curves divided into four types according to their different deformation ways,orders,and constraints.Deformation roadmaps are then given with forward,reverse and bidirectional deformation roadmaps for the II-type curves with arc-length constraints.The bidirectional deformation uses an improved vertex substitution algorithm and a modified variable-parameter 4-point interpolatory subdivision scheme with a new arc-length loss actor and a rigid joint chain model.Customized shoe-last curves are produced from a mother shoe-last through sampling,grading,sectioning, simplifying,deforming,subdividing,and NURBS fitting.For the metatarsophalangeal contour curve,a bidirectional deformation test gives an arc length change of 1.0mm.With this system,a man's shoe-last can be customized in less than 480sto give accurate, practical customized shoes without a shoe-last database. This method greatly increases the redesign for customized shoe-lasts.