Root canal filling quality and bond strength of endodontic sealers to human and bovine dentin
Gabriela Disconzi Caetano,Nicole Freitas de Machado Costa,Karine Padoin,Thais Camponogara Bohrer,Mônica Pagliarini Buligon,Carlos Alexandre Souza Bier,Renata Dornelles Morgental
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF
Abstract:Objective: This study aimed to compare the filling quality and bond strength of two endodontic sealers, AH Plus and Bio-C Sealer, in human and bovine teeth. Methods: The root canals of 60 [30 human (H) and 30 bovine (B)] single-rooted teeth were prepared and filled by lateral condensation of gutta-percha and AH Plus (groups AP-H and AP-B) or Bio-C Sealer (groups BC-H and BC-B). Six 1.5-mm-thick slices were obtained from each root. The specimens were observed under a stereomicroscope to assess filling quality, considering possible voids within the filling material. Subsequently, root slices were evaluated in terms of push-out bond strength and failure mode. Data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney tests and Spearman correlation coefficients (α=5%). Results: The filling quality provided by AP and BC was similar in both dentin substrates. However, when comparing human and bovine teeth, void scores were greater in the bovine samples, for both sealers. AP had higher bond strength to human and bovine dentin than BC. However, there was no significant difference in bond strength between dentin substrates, for both sealers tested. Also, there was a positive and moderate correlation between the bond strength values of human and bovine teeth. The mixed failure mode was the most prevalent. Conclusion: AP and BC provide similar filling quality, but the first presents higher bond strength values to human and bovine dentin. The use of bovine teeth as substitutes for human samples seems adequate in studies related to bond strength, but not in those testing root canal filling quality.
Keywords: Dentin, Endodontics, Root canal filling materials.