Improved Design of Ku Band High Power Rectangular Waveguide Directional Coupler
Chao Wang,Gaofeng Guo,En Li
Abstract:This paper demonstrates an efiective designing method of the high power rectan- gular waveguide directional coupler. The coupler designed using this method has wide band, high directivity, ∞at coupling, low voltage standing ratio and manufacturing accuracy. According to the required technology parameter, and the engineering design method based on the modifled Bethe aperture coupling theory, the relevant parameters of equally spaced waveguide directional coupler are preliminarily designed. On the basis of this, using simulation software HFSS to do the simulation and optimization of the space between three outside coupling holes of the head end and the tail end, the performance of isolation is improved. A directional coupler at Ku waveband is designed in this paper, the error between the simulation value of coupling and the required value i10dB is less than 0.6dB, and after optimization, the isolation is less than i47dB in the whole operating frequency band. 1. INTRODUCTION Directional couplers play an important role in almost every microwave application for measuring the power levels of signals in microwave systems, it was widely used in measurement, commu- nication, radar and other electronic equipment. The traditional design method is based on the Bethe aperture coupling theory. In order to adapt the difierent needs of the development of elec- tronic equipment, the directional coupler from the single hole coupling to porous coupling, from the waveguide narrow side coupled to the broadside coupled, to satisfy the difierent requirements of narrowband, broadband, strong coupling and weak coupling (1). As a result of the directional coupler has stable performance, it is index were not afiected by ambient temperature, so there is a method for the high power microwave measurement as shown in Figure 1. According to the coupling degree and direction of directional coupler to convert and calculate the power of signal source. The physical properties of the transmission lines and their coupling method dictates the cou- pling properties of the coupler (2), so difierent kinds of couplers have their advantages and disad- vantages. Microstrip and stripline directional couplers have attractive broad-band characteristics, but they are afiected by their signiflcant losses and low power-handling capabilities when high power handling is required; coaxial directional couplers are the traditional high-power solution when bandwidth are not critical (3); waveguide Bethe hole couplers are usually used in high-power applications,unfortunately they have a relatively bandwidth, at least in terms of its directivity. But if the couplers are designed with as eries of coupling holes, the extra degrees of freedom can be used to increase this bandwidth. The principle of operation and design of such a multihole waveguide coupler is very similar to that of the multisection matching transform. After the basic aperture coupling theory which is proposed by Bethe and Cohn (4), scholars from many countries do further research on it in order to meet the various needs. In this paper, an efiective designing method of the directional coupler with wide frequency band and high directivity is proposed, and using this method, a directional coupler is designed with the aid of simulation software HFSS (High Frequency structure Simulator). So flrst, we design an equally spaced waveguide directional coupler according to there quired parameter and the modifled Bethe aperture coupling theory; then we optimize the space between the coupling holes and reduce the size of some coupling holes of the head end and the tail end to get a valuable coupler with ∞atter coupling coe-cient and higher directivity. A directional coupler at Ku waveband (12:4 » 18GHz) is designed in this paper, the error between the simulation value and the required value is less than 0.6dB and the directivity is more than 37dB. Meanwhile, it reduces the requirement of the manufacturing accuracy as far as possible in consideration of the in∞uence of manufacturing errors.