Some multiplication formulas in queer $q$-Schur superalgebras
Jie Du,Haixia Gu,Zhenhua Li,Jinkui Wan
Abstract:Building on the work [18], where some standard basis for the queer $q$-Schur superalgebra $\mathcal{Q}_q(n,r;R)$ is defined by a labelling set of matrices and their associated double coset representatives, we investigate the matrix representation of the regular module of $\mathcal{Q}_q(n,r;R)$ with respect to this basis. More precisely, we derive explicitly (resp., partial explicitly) the multiplication formulas of the basis elements by certain even (resp., odd) generators of a queer $q$-Schur superalgebra.
These multiplication formulas are highly technical to derive, especially in the odd case. It requires to discover many multiplication (or commutation) formulas in the Hecke--Clifford algebra $\mathcal{H}_{r,R}^c$ associated with the labelling matrices. For example, for a given such a labelling matrix $A^{\!\star}$, there are several matrices $w(A)$, $\sigma(A), \widetilde A$, and $\widehat A$ associated with the base matrix $A$ of $A^{\!\star}$, where $w(A)$ is used to compute a reduced expression of the distinguished double coset representatives $d_A$, and the other matrices are used to describe the permutation $d_A$ and the SDP (commutation) condition between $T_{d_A}$ and generators of the Clifford subsuperalgebra.
With these multiplication formulas, we will construct a new realisation of the quantum queer supergroup in a forthcoming paper [13], and to give new applications to the integral Schur--Olshanski duality and its associated representation theory at roots of unity.
Representation Theory,Quantum Algebra,Rings and Algebras