Cyclotomic Q-Schur Algebras And Schur-Weyl Duality
Abstract:The representation theory of Hecke algebras has been an important part toward understanding (ordinary or modular) representation theories of finite groups of Lie type. Schur algebras, as endomorphism algebras, connects the representation theory of general linear groups and the representations of symmetric groups via Schur-Weyl duality. The quantum version of SchurWeyl duality is established by Jimbo [J]. Since then, the representation theories of Hecke algebras and q-Schur algebras plays an important role in relating the representation theory of quantum groups and finite groups. Another important feature of Hecke algebras is their role in decomposing representations of algebraic groups in positive characteristics and quantum groups at roots of unit, by Lusztig’s conjectures. In [VV], Varagnolo and Vasserot used the geometric description of the representations of affine Hecke algebras and affine q-Schur algebras and reformulated Lusztig’s conjecture about decomposing the Weyl modules for quantum groups at roots of unit in terms of certain canonical bases constructed on the Fock spaces using representations of Hecke algebras. This formulation enables Schiffmann [Sch] to give a completely different proof the Lusztig conjecture for quantum sln at roots of unit. However this celebrating approach has been so far limited to type A as the symmetric groups appear as the Weyl groups on one hand and the permutation group acting on the tensor factors on the other hand. In this paper, we study the relation between the cyclotomic Hecke algebras and the corresponding q-Schur algebras in searching for a “right” tensor spaces in this case. One of the special case is the root system of type B. The representation theory of cyclotomic Hecke algebras Hm,r has been studied in [AK, DJM, DR1, DR2, GL], etc., mostly along the line of representations of symmetric groups. One of the important feature of the q-Schur algebra for type A, is that they are quasi-hereditary [CPS1], which has many important applications as studied by Cline-Parshall-Scott and many others. Dipper, James, and Mathas [DJM] has defined a version of cyclotomic q-Schur algebra, which is quasi-hereditary. But that version does not seem to fit into the picture of [VV] and to make a connection to the representations of affine quantum groups. In this paper, we define a differently cyclotomic q-Schur algebra Sm(n, r) in Section 5. Although it may not be quasi-hereditary, but it is a finite dimensional quotient of the affine quantum group Uq(ĝln). The definition depends on choosing the right tensor space on which Uq(ĝln) and Hm,r both act. In a recent preprint[M1], Mathas extended the definition of cyclotomic q-Schur algebra to more general setting which include the one we consider here as a special case. However the special case we treat in this paper has a direct connection to Uq(ĝln). The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we discuss about the multi-compositions and the standard setting. In Section 3 we follow the setup of [DJM], and many others to discuss the cellular basis of Hm,r. In Section 4 we discuss the cyclotomic q-Schur algebras in the setting of [DJM] corresponding to each saturated set Γ. They are all quasi-hereditary and then prove an double centralizer property in general case. This generalizes [DPS1, 6.2]. When ωr is in Γ (then