Віталій Вікторович Круглов,Діна Акрамівна Терещенко,Vitalii Kruhlov,Dina Tereshchenko
Abstract:The article explores contemporary approaches to implementing innovations in the system of public administration. In the context of rapid technological changes and globalization, innovation becomes a key factor in adapting the system of public administration to complex challenges. The aim of the article is to analyze and study modern approaches in the field of innovation in public administration. Research on the topic indicates a growing interest among scholars in the issues of innovation in public administration. At the same time, challenges remain, particularly related to security and the peculiarities of implementing innovative strategies in this field. Various forms of innovation are considered, including technological innovations (introduction of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, information systems, etc.), social innovations (new approaches to interaction with consumers of public services and the state), innovations in management processes and service delivery, aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of public administration. An overview of practical experience indicates that digital transformation plays a leading role in the innovation of public administration, encompassing the development of e-governance, open data, and integrated platforms for administrative services. Key innovations in e-governance are highlighted, such as electronic taxes, document circulation, payments, and portals for administrative service provision. The advantages of using open data are analyzed. Integrated multifunctional citizen service centers and the concept of "government as a platform" with a unified ecosystem of data and services are also discussed. A separate focus is placed on approaches to classifying innovations in various spheres: service, technological, managerial, systemic, and social innovations. Innovative models of public administration, including the classical bureaucratic model, new public management, network management, and neo-Weberian model, are analyzed. The article explores the prospects of applying artificial intelligence and ensuring cybersecurity as priority directions in the context of digital transformation. The implementation of innovations in public administration is a complex strategic task that requires systematic efforts to modernize both organizational structures and the qualifications of public servants.