Surgical Treatment of Barlow Syndrome: Report Of17 Cases

Abstract:Objective We reported our experience of the traetment for 171 patients of Barlow syndrome, tryring to investigate the etiology, the diagnosis, and the surgical procedure of Barlow syndrome. Methods From August 2005 to December2007, 17cases were diagnosed as Barlow syndrome by echoceardiography and histology, and they received mitral valve plasty (MVP) or mitred valve replacement (MVR) treatment. Echocardiography information was followed up and compared between patients of MVP and petients of MVR. Gene sequencing was performed in 10 patients of Shanghai to investigate the linkage of FLNA mutation mutation and Barlow sydrome. Resells The heart function of all petients reached NYHA I after surgical treament. Transesophangeal echocerdiography showed no/ mild regurgitation after MVP. All patients received a significant decrease d the diameter (P <0.05) in left atrium (LA), left ven- tricular end systolic diamter (LVESD), and left ventricular end diastolic diameter(LVEDD) after operation as compared to tbose be- fore operation. There was no significant difference of heart diameters between MVR ad MVP groups. In addition, genetic mutation in GIOA of 5'UTR region of FLNA was found in 2 petiems.Conclusion Both MVP and MVR are effective surgical procedure to treat Barlow syndrome. Though the procedure of MVP in the patients of Barlow syndrome is complex, it is highly recommended to treat these petients. When MVP is perfomed, try to avoid the phenomena of systolic anterior motion (SAM) of mitral valve. MVR is an alternate choice for these petients. Genetic mutation on G10A d 5'UTR region d FLNA were found in two petients.
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