Guangdong Territorial Norms of Psychological Trauma Impact Questionnaire
Abstract:Objective To establish the Guangdong territorial norms of psychological trauma impact questionnaire (PTIQ). Methods Based on the principle of stratified proportional cluster sampling, 658 normal subjects older than aged 15 (374 urban and 284 country, 319 male and 339 female, average age: 38.16±17.18) from 5 districts of Guangdong province were tested by PTIQ. Results There are significant differences in PTIQ total score,average score, arousal and anxiety (AA), intrusive experiences (IE), dissociation (DIS) factor score between urban and country, in PTIQ total score, average score, AA, sleeping disorder (S) between male and female, and in PTIQ total score, average score, AA, DIS,depression (D),S,physiological dysfunction (PD) and social dysfunction (SD) among different age ranges as well. In addition, significant interactions among region, gender and age range are found in few of PTIQ factors. Conclusion Norm sample of PTIQ has a satisfied representative. Guangdong territorial norms of PTIQ have been established well in order to provide the basis of identifying T cut-off score and further application of clinical evaluation.