Performance of perovskite solar cells based on SnO<sub<2</sub<:DPEPO hybrid electron transport layer
Ting Juan,Jia-He Xing,Fan-Cong Zeng,Xin Zheng,Lin Xu,Changchun University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Changchun 130607, China,State Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Juan Ting, Xing Jia-He, Zeng Fan-Cong, Zheng Xin, Xu Lin The electron transport layer is an important functional layer of perovskite solar cells, and its surface and internal defects are critical parts of limiting the performance improvement of perovskite solar cells. The double electron transport layer (double ETL) strategy can effectively passivate inherent defects in the electron transport layer (such as SnO<sub<2< (<i<j<="" (<i<v<="" (dpepo)="" (ff)="" 1.220="" 1.39%="" 21.53%="" 23.19="" 76.11%.="" a="" ability="" achieved,="" additional="" advancement="" affected="" also="" an="" and="" are="" avoiding="" between="" but="" by="" can="" carrier="" cell="" cells.="" cells.<="" cm<sup<2<="" conductive="" contact="" continuous="" control="" conversion="" crystalline="" crystallization="" crystallization,="" current="" defects="" defects,="" design="" developing="" device="" di[2-((oxo)diphenylphosphino)phenyl]ether="" different="" direct="" dpepo,="" dual="" due="" dynamics="" effect="" effective="" effectively="" efficiency="" efficient="" efficiently="" electron="" electrons,="" electrons.="" energy="" etl="" etl,="" existence="" extraction="" factor="" fill="" film="" finally,="" for="" functional="" further="" good="" has="" high-performance="" high-quality="" higher="" hindering="" hole-blocking="" homo="" however,="" hybrid="" i<<sub<oc<="" i<<sub<sc<="" improve="" improving="" in="" independent="" interfaces="" into="" intrinsic="" introducing="" is="" it="" layer="" layer,="" layers,="" leads="" level="" ma="" materials="" mismatch="" not="" obtained,="" of="" one.="" only="" open-circuit="" optimize="" p="" passivated,="" performance="" perovskite="" photoactive="" power="" preparation="" preparing="" proposes="" prospect="" providing="" pscs.="" quality="" rate="" reaches="" reduce="" regulate="" regulation="" short-circuit="" shown="" significantly="" significantly,="" sno<sub<2<="" so,="" solar="" stable="" strategy="" strategy.="" sub<="" sub<)="" substrate="" successfully="" sup Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(19): 198401. Published 2024-10-05</sub<2<>
physics, multidisciplinary