Coulomb Excitation of $^{80}$Sr and the limits of the $N = Z = 40$ island of deformation
R. Russell,J. Heery,J. Henderson,R. Wadsworth,K. Kaneko,N. Shimizu,T. Mizusaki,Y. Sun,C. Andreoiu,D. W. Annen,A. A. Avaa,G. C. Ball,V. Bildstein,S. Buck,C. Cousins,A. B. Garnsworthy,S. A. Gillespie,B. Greaves,A. Grimes,G. Hackman,R. O. Hughes,D. G. Jenkins,T. M. Kowalewski,M. S. Martin,C. Müller-Gatermann,J. R. Murias,S. Murillo-Morales,S. Pascu,D. M. Rhodes,J. Smallcombe,P. Spagnoletti,C. E. Svensson,B. Wallis,J. Williams,C. Y. Wu,D. Yates
Abstract:The region of $N\approx Z\approx 40$ has long been associated with strongly deformed nuclear configurations. The presence of this strong deformation was recently confirmed through lifetime measurements in $N\approx Z$ Sr and Zr nuclei. Theoretically, however, these nuclei present a challenge due to the vast valence space required to incorporate all deformation driving interactions. Recent state-of-the-art predictions indicate a near axial prolate deformation for $N=Z$ and $N=Z+2$ nuclei between $N=Z=36$ and $N=Z=40$. In this work we investigate the shores of this island of deformation through a sub-barrier Coulomb excitation study of the $N=Z+4$ nucleus, \textsuperscript{80}Sr. Extracting a spectroscopic quadrupole moment of $Q_s(2^+_1) = 0.45^{+0.83}_{-0.88}$~eb, we find that \textsuperscript{80}Sr is inconsistent with significant axial prolate deformation. This indicates that the predicted region of strong prolate deformation around $N=Z=40$ is tightly constrained to the quartet of nuclei: \textsuperscript{76,78}Sr and \textsuperscript{78,80}Zr.
Nuclear Experiment,Nuclear Theory