Study of minor actinides transmutation in a lead cooled fast reactor

Jiali Zou,Jing Zhao,Wacław Gudowski,Błażej Chmielarz
Abstract:Feasibility studies were performed to investigate minor actinides (MAs) transmutation in a 700MWth lead-cooled fast reactor through SERPENT Monte Carlo code. A mixture of nitrides of MAs, plutonium and depleted uranium was used. The mix was based on the spent fuel of Light Water Reactors (LWRs) with burnup of 33GWd/tHM and cooling for 10 years. A simple fuel method of 83at.% used uranium and 17at.% transuranic waste(TRU) with no separation of plutonium from americium was carried out to burn about 34kg MAs in one 5- year fuel cycle, which indicates that the lead-cooled fast reactor has a great potential to transmute MAs. Different MA contents from 0at.% up to 12at.% in fuel, with the initial plutonium loading mass retained were calculated to investigate the effects on transmutation and core performance. The results show that with the addition of MA loading the initial effective multiplication factor decreases but the burnup reactivity swing is lower. The fuel burnup is prolonged to allow more MA nuclides to burn. It is apparent that increasing MA content can improve the MA transmutation performance. Closer inspection shows that the reduction of MA is mainly attributed to the reduction of neptunium and americium, in contrast, the curium inventory increases. It is known that the MA loading amount in fast reactor is limited by the reactor safety performance degradation. This study focuses on the impact of MA on the effective delayed neutron fraction, which is an important parameter for reactor control operation. It is found that the addition of MAs has a negative influence on the effective delayed neutron fraction, decreasing it approximately linearly to their addition. In summary, efficient MA transmutation can be in the lead-cooled faster reactor achieved even when the effect of MA addition on safety performance is accounted for.
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