New development of the high power proton cyclotrons at ciae

Jianjun Yang,Tianjue Zhang,Yinlong Lv
Abstract:The high power proton beam has wide application potentials in future clean nuclear energy system, neutron physics study, RIB production and particle physics research. Cyclotrons are intrinsic in continuous-wave beam mode, which has the characteristics of high efficient power conversion rate, compact structure and relatively low construction cost. CIAE is dedicated to developing high power proton cyclotron in China for a long time. In this talk, the recent construction progress of the 100MeV cyclotron will be presented in detail. The commissioning of this cyclotron is in progress and we got the first beam on July 4, 2014. In additions, this talk also introduce the recent progress of the pre-study of a high power 800 MeV separate-sector ring cyclotron, which is proposed to provide high power proton beam for applications neutron and neutrino physics, proton radiography and nuclear data measurement. CONSTRUCTION OF CYCIAE-100 Installing and Assembling As a driving accelerator for Beijing Radioactive Ionbeam Facility (BRIF), a 100 MeV Hcompact cyclotron, normally referred to as CYCIAE-100, is being constructed to provide the proton beam of 70-100 MeV with beam current of 200-500 μA [1]. By the end of 2013, the main magnet, the main coil, the rf system, the vacuum system, the inject system, the ion source, the diagnosis and extraction systems, the lifting system and the power supply systems are installed on site. Figure 1 shows the photo of the assembled cyclotron. Figure 1: Photo of the assembled 100MeV compact cyclotron. The total weight of the main magnet is 436 tons and the overall accuracy is 0.05 mm. The quality factor of the two rf resonators reach 9500, which is highest value among the existing compact cyclotrons in the world. In order to reduce the beam loss caused by residual gas stripping, the high-speed cryo-panel system is utilized used so as to further increase the vacuum to 5x10-8 torr level. Figure 2: The integral phase slip of the final field map. By the end of July 2013, we finished the field mapping and shimming. In order to correct the magnetic field error caused by air pressure during operation, the field map was accurately measured under vacuum condition for the first time. The trim-coils system, which is usually used in this type of cyclotrons as a supplementary method to adjust local magnetic field, is proved unnecessary in the CYCIAE-100 cyclotron since a small integral phase slip of less than ±10° (see Fig. 2) can be reached simply by properly trimming the 16 shimming-bars. The operating RF frequency for the final field map is 44.8125 MHz. Furthermore, profiting from the deep-valley structure of the magnet, the vertical betatron frequency is kept above 0.5 and the crossing of dangerous Walkenshaw resonance line at high energy region is avoided, as is shown Fig. 3. Since November 2013, we started the rf resonator conditioning, which is a time-consuming work. The main purpose is to eliminate the multipacting effects at low rf power region and to reduce the rf sparking at high rf power region. The multipacting effects can cause the mismatching of impedance and reflect the rf power back to the amplifier. In order to speed up the conditioning process, some aquadag solution is printed to the sensitive surfaces of the resonators to repress secondary electron emission. Finally, the 33 kW rf power can be fed into both resonator within one hour, which is good enough to carry out beam commissioning. Figure 3: The betatron tune of the final field map. ____________________________________________ *Work supported by NSFC (Grant No. 11375273) WEPMH1 Proceedings of SAP2014, Lanzhou, China ISBN 978-3-95450-171-7 16 C op yr ig ht © 20 14 C C -B Y3. 0 an d by th e re sp ec tiv e au th or s
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