Diamond Double-Crystal System for a Forward Bragg Diffraction X-Ray Monochromator of the Self-Seeded PAL XFEL

Yu,S. Kearney,T. Kolodziej,D. Shu,V. D. Blank,S. Terentyev,H.-S. Kang
Abstract:PAL XFEL (Republic of Korea) is being planned to be operated in the self-seeded mode in a 3-keV to 10-keV photon spectral range. Monochromatization of x-rays in the selfseeding systemwill be achieved by forward Bragg diffraction (FBD) from two diamond single crystals in the [100] and [110] orientations (one at a time). We present results on the optical and engineering designs, on the manufacturing, and on the x-ray diffraction topography characterization of the diamond double-crystal systems for the FBD monochromator. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS AND OPTICAL DESIGN Seeded x-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) [1, 2] generate fully coherent x-rays with a well-defined spectrum and high spectral flux. A hard x-ray self-seeding scheme uses x-rays from the first half of the FEL system (electron beam in a magnetic undulator system) to generate radiation by the self-amplified spontaneous emission process and seed the electron bunch in the second half of the FEL system via an x-ray monochromator [3,4]. PAL XFEL [5] plans the hard xray self-seeding system operating in the spectral range from 3 keV to 10 keV, to be installed and commissioned in 2018. The concept of the system is based on the LCLS design [1], which utilizes the one-crystal forward Bragg diffraction (FBD) x-ray monochromator proposed at DESY [4]. X-rays in Bragg diffraction from a crystal, see Fig. 1, are emitted with a time delayed t upon excitation with an x-ray pulse and subsequent multiple scattering in the crystal either at a Bragg angle θ to the reflecting atomic planes (indicated in blue) or in the forward direction (in red). The FBD time response of an x-ray-transparent crystal, such as diamond, can be presented by the analytical expression [6, 7] |G00 (t)|2 ∝  1 2T0 J1 [√ t T0 ( 1 + t T d ) ] √ t T0 ( 1 + t T d )  2 (1) ∗ shvydko@aps.anl.gov with the characteristic time parameters T0 = 2[Λ̄ H ]2 sin(θ + η) cd , T d = 2 d sin2 θ c | sin(θ − η)| . (2) where T0 is the FBD time constant, see Fig. 1(c), Λ̄ H is the extinction length (a Bragg reflection invariant), H = (hkl) is the Bragg diffraction vector, d is the crystal thickness, η is the asymmetry angle between the crystal surface and the reflecting atomic planes, c is the speed of light, and J1 is the Bessel function of the first kind. The FBD time response is shown by the red line in Fig. 1(c) for a particular case. The FBD photons are concentrated within a spectral bandwidth,
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