Complex Geometry and the Cauchy-Riemann Equation

John Erik Fornæss,Joe Kohn,Jürgen Leiterer,Peter Ebenfelt,Xu Wang,Emil Straube,Nessim Sibony,Bo-Yong Chen,Mei-Chi Shaw,Joseph Kohn
Abstract:Let Ω be an n-dimensional, compact, complex manifold with a smooth, connected boundary bΩ. Denote byHb the subspace of C∞(bΩ) consisting of boundary values of holomorphic functions. We consider pseudodifferential operators on bΩ that annihilate Hb. We say that these operators define a CCR structure on bΩ (this includes also the case when n = 1). For example if L is a vector field in T (Ω̄) then we construct the pseudodifferential operator L̄ as follows. If f ∈ C∞(bΩ) let Ef be the harmonic function in C∞(Ω̄) whose restriction to bΩ equals f . Then we define L̄f to be the restriction of L̄f to bΩ. Using this operator we can prove new microlocal estimates on CR functions. We show that the symbol of L̄ depends only on the CR structure on bΩ. These considerations lead to a definition of abstract CCR manifolds and opens an approach to the study of local and global embeddings of CCR manifolds and their underlying CR manifolds. Peter Ebenfelt Title: The Bergman and Szegő kernels and the Obstruction Function in strictly pseudoconvex domains in C Abstract: We will consider bounded strictly pseudoconvex domains Ω in C. The obstruction function bη1 on ∂Ω is the lowest order term in the singularity at the boundary of the Cheng-Yau solution to the Dirichlet problem for Fefferman’s Monge-Ampere operator in Ω. By the work of Graham and Hirachi-KomatsuNakzawa, this function is also the restriction to the boundary of the log term in the Bergman and Szegő kernels in Ω. We shall discuss the condition bη1 = 0 on ∂Ω; in particular, if Ω also has transversal symmetry, then we will show that if bη1 = 0 globally, then ∂Ω is locally spherical. We note that it is not true that bη1 = 0 locally implies that ∂Ω is locally spherical. Nessim Sibony Title: Levi Problem and Pfaff Systems Abstract: Let U be a relatively compact pseudo-convex open set with smooth boundary in a complex manifold M . The question is wether U is Stein. There are famous counter-examples due to Grauert, and partial positive results due to Hirschowitz, Greene-Wu in particular. There is a survey by Siu on the Levi problem and a more recent one by Ohsawa. I will give conditions which imply that U is Stein. They are related to the integrability of a natural Pfaff System. I will also discuss in the above setting, the existence of bounded strictly psh exhaustion functions, with useful estimates. If time permits, I will describe the geometry of pseudo-convex non-Stein domains and develop a foliated version of the above results. The approach is related to my recent paper: Pfaff systems, currents and hulls (ArXiv). Let U be a relatively compact pseudo-convex open set with smooth boundary in a complex manifold M . The question is wether U is Stein. There are famous counter-examples due to Grauert, and partial positive results due to Hirschowitz, Greene-Wu in particular. There is a survey by Siu on the Levi problem and a more recent one by Ohsawa. I will give conditions which imply that U is Stein. They are related to the integrability of a natural Pfaff System. I will also discuss in the above setting, the existence of bounded strictly psh exhaustion functions, with useful estimates. If time permits, I will describe the geometry of pseudo-convex non-Stein domains and develop a foliated version of the above results. The approach is related to my recent paper: Pfaff systems, currents and hulls (ArXiv). Christine Laurent-Thiébaut Title: Solving the Cauchy-Riemann equation with prescribed support Abstract: Let Ω be an open subset of a complex manifold X, we define the Dolbeault cohomology groups on X with prescribed support in the closure of Ω as the quotient of the kernel of the Cauchy-Riemann operator in the space of smooth forms, L forms or currents with support in the closure of Ω by the range of the Cauchy-Riemann operator on the space of smooth forms, L forms or currents with support in the closure of Ω. We first prove that the Dolbeault isomorphism fails to hold for such groups. These groups are used to characterized pseudoconvex domains with pseudoconvex holes depending on the regularity of the boundary of the holes. (This is a joint work with Siqi Fu and Mei-Chi Shaw.) Let Ω be an open subset of a complex manifold X, we define the Dolbeault cohomology groups on X with prescribed support in the closure of Ω as the quotient of the kernel of the Cauchy-Riemann operator in the space of smooth forms, L forms or currents with support in the closure of Ω by the range of the Cauchy-Riemann operator on the space of smooth forms, L forms or currents with support in the closure of Ω. We first prove that the Dolbeault isomorphism fails to hold for such groups. These groups are used to characterized pseudoconvex domains with pseudoconvex holes depending on the regularity of the boundary of the holes. (This is a joint work with Siqi Fu and Mei-Chi Shaw.) Bo Berndtsson Title: Symmetries on the space of Kähler metrics Abstract: The Mabuchi space associated to a Kähler class on a compact manifold is the space of all Kähler forms in that class. It has a structure of an infinite dimensional Riemannian manifold that formally satisfies the requirements of a symmetric space. We will construct ‘explicit’ local symmetries around any real analytic Kähler form in the space. The construction is based on work of Lempert and can be seen as a generalized Legendre transform. (This is joint work with Dario CorderoErausquin, Bo’az Klartag and Yanir Rubinstein.) The Mabuchi space associated to a Kähler class on a compact manifold is the space of all Kähler forms in that class. It has a structure of an infinite dimensional Riemannian manifold that formally satisfies the requirements of a symmetric space. We will construct ‘explicit’ local symmetries around any real analytic Kähler form in the space. The construction is based on work of Lempert and can be seen as a generalized Legendre transform. (This is joint work with Dario CorderoErausquin, Bo’az Klartag and Yanir Rubinstein.) Jürgen Leiterer Title: Local and global similarity of holomorphic matrices Abstract: R. Guralnick (Linear Algebra Appl., 85-96, 1988) proved: If two holomorphic matrices on a non-compact connected Riemann surface are locally holomorphically similar, then they are globally holomorphically similar. Actually, he proved a more general theorem for certain Bezout rings, and then applied this to the ring of global holomorphic functions on a non-compact connected Riemann surface. It seems that this proof cannot be generalized to non-smooth one-dimensional Stein spaces, and also not to smooth higher dimensional Stein spaces, because then the ring of global holomorphic functions is not Bezout. Using other methods, we obtain: (1) On one-dimensional Stein spaces, local holomorphic similarity implies global holomorphic similarity. (2) On arbitrary Stein spaces, local holomorphic similarity together with C∞ similarity implies global holomorphic similarity. The first step in the proof is the proof of the fact that the Jordan structure of a holomorphic matrix “does not jump” outside a nowhere dense analytic set. In the smooth case, this was earlier obtained by H. Baumgärtel (Birkhäuser 1985). A counterexample shows that, in (2), C∞ cannot be replaced by C. Other counterexamples show that local continuous similarity is not sufficient for local holomorphic similarity, even not on one-dimensional analytic sets. However, on Riemann surfaces, it is. R. Guralnick (Linear Algebra Appl., 85-96, 1988) proved: If two holomorphic matrices on a non-compact connected Riemann surface are locally holomorphically similar, then they are globally holomorphically similar. Actually, he proved a more general theorem for certain Bezout rings, and then applied this to the ring of global holomorphic functions on a non-compact connected Riemann surface. It seems that this proof cannot be generalized to non-smooth one-dimensional Stein spaces, and also not to smooth higher dimensional Stein spaces, because then the ring of global holomorphic functions is not Bezout. Using other methods, we obtain: (1) On one-dimensional Stein spaces, local holomorphic similarity implies global holomorphic similarity. (2) On arbitrary Stein spaces, local holomorphic similarity together with C∞ similarity implies global holomorphic similarity. The first step in the proof is the proof of the fact that the Jordan structure of a holomorphic matrix “does not jump” outside a nowhere dense analytic set. In the smooth case, this was earlier obtained by H. Baumgärtel (Birkhäuser 1985). A counterexample shows that, in (2), C∞ cannot be replaced by C. Other counterexamples show that local continuous similarity is not sufficient for local holomorphic similarity, even not on one-dimensional analytic sets. However, on Riemann surfaces, it is. Zbigniew B locki Title: Geodesics in the spaces of Kähler metrics and volume forms Abstract: We discuss optimal regularity of geodesics in the space of Kähler metrics of a compact complex manifold, as well as the space of volume forms on a compact Riemannian manifold. They are solutions of nonlinear degenerate elliptic equations: homogeneous complex Monge-Ampere equation and an equation introduced by Donaldson, respectively. The highest regularity one can expect is C. We discuss optimal regularity of geodesics in the space of Kähler metrics of a compact complex manifold, as well as the space of volume forms on a compact Riemannian manifold. They are solutions of nonlinear degenerate elliptic equations: homogeneous complex Monge-Ampere equation and an equation introduced by Donaldson, respectively. The highest regularity one can expect is C. Bo-Yong Chen Title: Parameter dependence of the Bergman kernels Abstract: Let {Ωt : −1 < t < 1} be a family of bounded pseudoconvex domains and φt ∈ PSH(Ωt). Let Kt(z, w) denote the Bergman kernel with weight φt on Ωt. We study the continuity and Hölder continuity of Kt(z, w) in t. Several applications are given, including a ne
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