Remarks on the group of isometries of a Riemannian manifold

Shing Tung Yau
Abstract:IT IS well-known that if a compact group acts differentiably on a differentiable manifold, then this group must preserve some Riemannian metric on this manifold. From this point of view, we shall discuss certain facts about group actions on manifolds. In 01, we study the group of isometries of a non-compact manifold. We discover that if the group is non-compact, the manifold has to split as a product of the Euclidean space and another manifold. This gives some information on problem 33 of [5]. It also gives some information on the group of biholomorphic transformations of a complex manifold whose Bergman metric is not trivial. Then we find a topological obstruction for a non-compact manifold to admit an infinite group to act freely and properly discontinuously. Namely, we prove that the natural map from the de Rham cohomology group with compact support to the de Rham cohomology group without compact support is trivial when the first group has finite dimension. In $2, we obtain some topological obstructions for group actions by looking at the complex of invariant differential forms. We prove, for example, that if a compact group acts on a compact manifold with non-zero Euler number, then wI A * * * A ut+, = 0 for all closed invariant l-forms wl,. . . , Ok+1 with k 2 the codimension of the principle orbit. (It may be interesting to note that the vanishing is on the form level so that any secondary obstruction should also vanish.) We also prove a topological version of this theorem for circle actions. An interesting corollary is that if a manifold is the connected sum of a torus and a compact manifold with Euler number # 2, then it does not admit any circle actions. Another interesting corollary is that the only compact connected group acting effectively and differentiably on a compact complex submanifold of a complex torus must be a torus and the action is locally free. Finally, we prove a fixed point theorem which may be of interest. If the first Betti number of a compact manifold M is zero and if there are rational cohomology classes a,, . . . , lb. of dimension 2 with 2k = n and R, U * * * U Rk # 0, then any circle group acting on M must have a fixed point and the fixed pint set is disconnected. In 83, we point out that the theorem of Gromoll-Meyer on non-compact positively curved manifolds is also true equivariantly. Recently, J. P. Bourguignon was also able to obtain Corollary 1 of Theorem 3. We thank him for several interesting comments on the original manuscript. Both he and Professor S. Kobayashi point out to us the paper “Dynamische Systeme and Topologische Aktionen” by S. Strantzalos (Manuscripta Mathematics 13, (1974) 207-211) where the corollary of Theorem 1 was proved. R. S. Kulkarni also obtained Corollary 2 of Theorem 2 recently. Most of the results here were obtained when I was in Stony Brook. I am grateful to Professor B. Lawson for many important suggestions and helpful comments which lead to the improvements of the original manuscript. The referee also made several helpful suggestions on the manuscript.
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