Haipeng Li,Matthew Easton,Yuanrong Lu,Ji Qiang,Zhi Wang
Abstract:The multi-particle tracking code IMPACT-T is widely used to calculate the particle motion in high intensity linacs. The code is a self-consistent three-dimensional beam dynamics simulation toolbox that utilizes the particle-in-cell method in the time domain. In collaboration between PKU and LBNL, an RFQ module was implemented to the IMPACT-T code, which enables simulations of the accelerator front-end. In order to benchmark the newly developed module in the IMPACT-T code, we have simulated the beam transport in Beijing Isotope Separation On-Line (BISOL) high intensity deuteron driver linac. It consists of a 3 MeV RFQ and 40 MeV superconducting rf linac with four cryomodules. After comparing the simulation results with Parmteqm and TraceWin, we obtained a very good agreement, which represents the validation of the RFQ module in IMPACT-T. INTRODUCTION The IMPACT-T code suite is a time-based parallel tracking program for charged particles in accelerator. It includes three-dimensional space-charge solver based on particlein-cell (PIC) method to efficiently and accurately treat space charge dominated beams [1]. From the simulation point of view, the basic equation we have to solve is shown as Eq. (1). F = qe(E + v × B) (1) The electric and magnetic field strength are a combination of external fields (Eext , Bext) and space charge fields of beam (Esc , Bsc), as shown in the Eq. (2). E = Eext + Esc (2) B = Bext + Bext For the different modules in the IMPACT-T code, the external fields can be described either with analytic formula or with static or RF electromagnetic field maps. The critical and time-consuming part is the space charge effect. In the IMPACT-T, the 3-D Poisson equation is solved by PIC method and Green function. At last, the leap-frog method is used to integrate Eq. (1) to push the particles to get coordinates and velocities at the next time loop, which makes the whole process self-consistent. In collaboration between LBL and PKU, a RFQ module and SRF module have been integrated to the IMPACT-T code. After updating, IMPACT-T is able to do simulation about RFQ and superconducting linac. In order to benchmark the newly developed module in the IMPACT-T code, we have simulated the beam transport in Beijing Isotope Separation On-Line (BISOL) high intensity deuteron driver linac. It consists of a 3 MeV RFQ and 40 MeV superconducting rf linac (SRF linac) with four cryomodules, as shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1: Schematic layout of BISOL deuteron driver linac. RFQ MODULE The popular RFQ design code Parmteqm uses position as an independent variable and has a two-dimensional space charge solver [2]. These approximations might introduce significant errors at lower energy for high intensity proton/ion beams [3]. Consequently, an RFQ module was implemented to the IMPACT-T code. In the RFQ module, the external field Eext can be rebuilt by the corresponding 8-term potential function as shown in Eq. (3). All coefficients can be obtained from the Parmteqm output file PARIOUT.TXT. U(r, θ, z) = V 2 {A01( r
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