A New Proposal to Jefferson Lab PAC-30 ) Probing Quark-Gluon Correlations in the Neutron : A Precision Measurement of the Neutron g 2 and d 2 at High Q 2 in Hall

S. Zhou,K. Kumar,K. Paschke,W. Bertozzi,X. Zheng
Abstract:We propose to measure the unpolarized cross section σHe 0 , the parallel asymmetry A 3He ‖ and the perpendicular asymmetry A 3He ⊥ to extract theg2 structure function in the large x region with good precision. We will use the longitudinally polarized ( Pb = 0.80) CEBAF electron beam and a 40 cm-long high pressure polarized 3He target. The measurement will be performed using two kinem atic configurations: • Ebeam= 8.8 GeV, with the spectrometers at θ = ±30.0◦ • Ebeam= 6.6 GeV, with the spectrometers at θ = ±40.0◦ The kinematic region involved in this proposal involves 0 .2 < x < 0.95 and 2.5 < Q2 < 10GeV2/c2 At each beam energy the BigBite spectrometer will be used to a cquire the asymmetry data (perpendicular and parallel) while the left arm HRS spectrometer wi ll be used to measure the absolute cross section. Both spectrometers will be set to equal scattering angles on each side of the incident beam line. BigBite’s mode of operation is such that a single magnetic fie ld s tting will cover the entire kinematic range at each beam energy. The left HRS central momentum will be stepped across the same kinematic range to measure the absolute cross section as a function of x. The target polarization orientation will be set transverse or longitudinal to the beam with a value of Pt = 0.50 while the beam helicity will be reversed at a rate of 30 Hz. A beam current of 10 μA combined with a 30 cm long target (after cuts) of density 12 amg provides a luminosity of 5 × 1035 cm−2s−1. We request 200 hours for the 6.6 GeV kinematics and 400 hours for the 8.8 GeV setting. With the inc lusion of an additional 100 hours for overhead and calibration, the total beam request is 700 hour s, r oughly 29 days of beam. The focus of the proposed measurement is two-fold: 1. precisely measuring the Q2 dependence of the neutron g2 for 0.5 < x < 0.9, something that has never been done highx, high-Q2 region; and 2. combine the proposed data with those of the lower energy dn 2 measurement E04-016, to significantly improve knowledge of theQ2 dependence of the dn 2 matrix element atQ 2 = 3.0 and 4.0 GeV2/c2. The quantitydn 2 = R 1 0 ḡ2 dx= R 1 0 x (2g1 +3g2) dx is related to the twist three matrix element in the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) framework. It is a direct m easure of the quark-gluon correlations within the nucleon and reflects the response of the color electric and magnetic fields to the polarization of the nucleon (alignment of its spin along one direction). T his quantity has seen considerable study in Lattice QCD and is one of the cleanest observables with which to test the theory. We would also like to comment on a “sister” experiment in Hall C that has also been submitted to the PAC30 board. The kinematic coverage of the Hall A measure ment has been specifically selected to compliment the coverage of the Hall C proposal. BigBite in Ha ll A is ideally suited to map out the the high-x, high-Q2 region is reasonable time and without tying up the highest en ergy Hall. In contrast, the SHMS/HMS in Hall C is uniquely suited to make a definitive meas urement of theQ2 evolution ofdn 2 due to its remarkably flat Q2 coverage per bin over 0 .4 < x < 1. BigBite is not able to match this feat due to rate limitations were it moved sufficiently far forwar d. Together, the two measurements would provide a truly exceptional understanding of the structure f nctiong2(x,Q 2), dn 2(Q 2), and the associated quark-gluon correlations within the nucleon.
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