Holomorphic automorphisms of the loop space of P n Ning

Ning Zhang
Abstract:Let M be a finite dimensional complex manifold. We fix a smoothness class Ck, k = 1, 2, . . . ,∞, or Sobolev W k, p, k = 1, 2, . . . , 1 ≤ p < ∞, and consider the loop space LM = LkM , or Lk, pM , of all maps S 1 → M with the given regularity. It carries a natural complex Banach/Fréchet manifold structure (see [L]). In this paper, we identify a class of holomorphic self-maps of the loop space LPn of the complex projective space Pn. As a consequence, we compute the group Aut(LPn) of holomorphic automorphisms of LPn. This work was directly motivated by [MZ, Z1, LZ, Z2], in which certain subgroups of Aut(LP1) play a key role to study Dolbeault cohomology groups with values in line bundles over LP1. There are two simple ways to construct holomorphic self-maps of a given loop space LM . First, such a map can be obtained from a family of holomorphic self-maps of M smoothly parameterized by t ∈ S1. For example, let G PGL(n+ 1,C) be the group of holomorphic automorphisms of Pn. Its loop space LG with pointwise group operation is again a complex Lie group and acts on LPn holomorphically; thus any element of LG can be considered as a holomorphic automorphism of LPn. Second, let T (S1) = Tk(S 1) resp. Tk,p(S 1) be the space of maps φ : S1 → S1 with
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