A proof of the alexanderov ’ s uniqueness theorem for convex surfaces in r
Abstract:We give a new proof of a classical uniqueness theorem of Alexandrov [4] using the weak uniqueness continuation theorem of Bers-Nirenberg [8]. We prove a version of this theorem with the minimal regularity assumption: the spherical hessians of the corresponding convex bodies as Radon measures are nonsingular. We give a new proof of the following uniqueness theorem of Alexandrov, using the Weak Unique Continuation Theorem of Bers-Nirenberg [8]. Theorem 1 (Theorem 9 in [4]). Suppose M1 and M2 are two closed strictly convex C 2 surfaces in R3, suppose f(y1, y2) ∈ C1 is a function such that ∂f ∂y1 ∂f ∂y2 > 0. Denote κ1 ≥ κ2 the principal curvatures of surfaces, and denote νM1 and νM2 the Gauss maps of M1 and M2 respectively. If (1) f(κ1(ν −1 M1 (x), κ2(ν −1 M1 (x)) = f(κ1(ν −1 M2 (x), κ2(ν −1 M2 (x)), ∀x ∈ S, then M1 is equal to M2 up to a translation. This classical result was first proved for analytical surfaces by Alexandrov in [3], for C4 surfaces by Pogorelov in [20], and Hartman-Wintner [14] reduced regularity to C3, see also [21]. Pogorelov [22, 23] published certain uniqueness results for C2 surfaces, these general results would imply Theorem 1 in C2 case. It was pointed out in [19] that the proof of Pogorelov is erroneous, it contains an uncorrectable mistake (see page 301-302 in [19]). There is a counter-example of Martinez-Maure [15] (see also [19]) to the main claims in [22, 23]. The results by Han-Nadirashvili-Yuan [13] imply two proofs of Theorem 1, one for C2 surfaces and another for C2,α surfaces. The problem is often reduced to a uniqueness problem for linear elliptic equations in appropriate settings, either on S2 or in R3, we refer [4, 21]. Here we will concentrate on the corresponding equation on S2, as in [11]. The advantage in this setting is that it is globally defined. If M is a strictly convex surface with support function u, then the principal curvatures at ν−1(x) are the reciprocals of the principal radii λ1, λ2 of M , which are the eigenvalues of spherical Hessian Wu(x) = (uij(x) + u(x)δij) where uij are the covariant derivatives with respect to any given local orthonormal frame on S2. Set F̃ (Wu) =: f( 1 λ1(Wu) , 1 λ2(Wu) ) = f(κ1, κ2). (2) Date: September 8, 2014. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53A05, 53C24. Research of the first author was supported in part by an NSERC Discovery Grant.