A SIP-based Real-time Traffic Mobility Support Scheme in Named Data Networking.
Haibo Li,Yang Li,Zhijun Zhao,Tao Lin,Hui Tang,Song Ci
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4304/jnw.7.6.918-925
Abstract:With the development of hardware and software technologies, mobile computing has become popular and pervasive. As a result, user-created mobile contents overwhelmingly increase, and cont sharing becomes the most popular application in communication networks. In order to accommodate this technical trend, a new networking architecture - named data networking (NDN) -was proposed to optimize the performance of content sharing. However, NDN has little design consideration for mobile applications, especially for the real-time multimedia applications which are very sensitive to the end-to-end network delay. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a SIP-based mobility-enabled scheme for supporting mobile multimedia applications in NDN. We will give a new description based on SIP message exchange to support mobility in NDN. Then, two enhanced approaches are proposed to further improve the handoff performance in NDN for fast handoff and the low complexity of terminal. We evaluate the proposed scheme with the OPNET simulator. The results show that the proposed SIP-based scheme can well support mobility in NDN.